Automotive BiW Fastening generative parameters are located in the
Automotive BiW Fastening node of the generative view style XML file
(available via Tools > Standard > generativeparameters
category >
Automotive BiW
Fastening node, DefaultGenerative Style.xml file).
Only spot parameters are defined and accessible through
Fasteners > Spot Fasteners > Generate. |
These parameters specify whether and how spot fasteners should be
projected in the view. They are detailed in the table below. |
Parameters |
Value |
Description |
Extract Location |
yes/no |
Specifies whether the spot fastener location must be extracted or
not (default value = Yes). |
Angular Tolerance |
float |
Specifies the maximum angle between the spot normal vector
orientation and the direction of the view used for the spot extraction
(default value = 90). |
Include View Reverse Direction |
yes/no |
Specifies whether you wish to visualize the 2D reverse spots
(default value = No). |