This task shows how to import data from a
neutral file.
A neutral file must exist.
Click Automotive BiW data import
intheAutomotive BiW Fastenerstoolbar.
The Import dialog box opens.
The directory for the neutral file is the one defined in
Customizing General Settings and is the same as the export
Click OK.
The progress bar shows you the remaining imported percentage.
May be the names of the
joined part numbers or the root product differ from those used in
the neutral file, the import process still goes on. If the joined
part ID differs from the neutral file, the import is possible only
if an associated part number is found in the session.
A warning message is displayed when the import is over.
All inconsistencies found during the import process are logged
in a .xml file. The path to this file is the same as the neutral
file's. Its ID corresponds to: ProductName(Part Number)_date(year#month#day#time)_LOG.xml
One single log file is issued per import.
Here is an example:
All BiW Fasteners have an "Explicit" location method after
they have been imported. They are located only by their
coordinates but the links to the 3D geometry are not kept.
See Exporting.