

The Generative Drafting workbench lets you manipulate annotations.

Note that annotation commands are actually provided with the Interactive Drafting workbench. Therefore, this section of the documentation actually points to the Interactive Drafting User's Guide. As such, the information detailed in this section is presented in an Interactive Drafting context. 


If you want to manipulate annotations in a Generative Drafting context, you can open the GenDrafting_part.CATDrawing document.


In order to be consistent with the way commands have been grouped in toolbars and sub-toolbars, the following tasks are documented in the Manipulating Dimensions chapter:

See Before you begin to learn about important concepts, including setting text properties.


Before you begin: You should be familiar with basic concepts such as setting the properties of a text (font style, size, justification, etc.), using default values, and specifying the position and/ or orientation of a text.
Create a free text: Create a text that either wraps or not, that is assigned an unlimited width text frame, even though this text may reach the frame boundary.
Create an associated text: Create a text which you want to be and remain associated to an existing element.
Make an existing annotation associative: At any time and once an annotation has been created, you can add a link between an annotation and another element.
Create a text with a leader: Create a text with a leader either in the free space or associated with an element.
Add a leader to an existing annotation: Add a leader to an annotation that was previously created.
Handle annotation leaders: Add or remove breakpoints, extremity or interruptions. Move and position leader breakpoints.
Add frames and sub-frames to existing text: Add a frame or a sub-frame to a text that was previously created.
Replicate a text and attribute: Replicate text as well as the corresponding text attribute.
Copy text graphical properties: Copy the text graphical properties of an annotation or element to other elements.
Create a datum target: Create a datum target on a view.
Modify a datum target: Modify a datum target by editing it in a dialog box.
Create a balloon: Create a balloon using a dialog box. 
Creating an associative balloon on a generated product view: Create associative balloons on views generated from a product.
Modify a balloon: Modify a balloon using a dialog box.
Create a roughness symbol: Create a roughness using a dialog box.
Create a welding symbol: Create a welding symbol using a dialog box.
Create a geometry weld: Create a geometry weld symbol.
Modify annotation positioning: Assign new positioning to existing annotations.
Create/modify a table: Create, edit and modify a table.
Find/replace text: Locate and then, if needed, replace  strings of characters.
Perform an advanced search: Use the advanced search command.
Query object links: Query object links in a drawing.
Adding attribute links to text: Add one or more attribute links between text that was previously created.