Using Tools

The Wireframe and Surface workbench provides powerful tools to help you manage your surfaces and wireframe geometry.

Display Parents and Children: Select the feature under study, the Tools > Parent / Children... command and use the diverse contextual commands to display parents and children.
Scan the part and define local objects: Select the the Edit > Scan or Define in Work Object... command, click the buttons to move from one local feature to the other, then the Exit button.

Tools Toolbar

Update parts: click the icon or select the element and use the contextual menu.
Manual update mode: click the icon to update the feature that has just been modified.
Define an axis-system: set the origin and X, Y, and Z directions.
Work with a support: click the icon and select a plane or surface as support element.
Snap on a point: snap to the nearest intersection point when working with a support 
Manage the background visualization: select one of the visualization modes and select a plane.
Create Datums: click the icon to deactivate the History mode.
Keep the initial element: click either icon to retain or not the element on which you are performing an operation.

Analysis Toolbar

Check connections between surfaces: select the surfaces, and set the analysis type and parameters

Check connections between curves: select two curves, specify the type of analysis (distance, tangency, curvature) and set the analysis parameters
Perform a draft analysis: select the surface, set the analysis mode and color range parameters, and manipulate the surface
Perform a surface curvature analysis: select the surface, set the analysis mode and color range parameters, and manipulate the surface
Analyze distances between two sets of elements: select a surface and a target element, specify the analysis mode, type, and display parameters.
Perform a curvature analysis: select a curve or surface boundary, specify the curvature comb parameters (spikes number and length, orientation, etc.)

Apply Material Toolbar

Apply a material: select an object, click the icon, and select a material.


Analyze using parameterization: select the Tools > Parameterization Analysis... command and define a filter for your query
Manage groups: choose the Create Group contextual menu on a geometrical set and select the group's elements
Edit groups: choose the Edit Group contextual menu on a group
Collapse/Expand groups: choose the Collapse/Expand Group contextual menu on a group
Move groups: choose the Change Geometrical Set contextual menu and select a new geometrical set
Repeat objects: select an object, choose the Object item and key in the number of object instances
Stack commands: right-click an editable field, choose the contextual menu item allowing the creation of another element.
  Select using the selection traps: select one or more elements through the Multi-Selection dialog box and validate you modification to return to the current command
Select using multi-output: select several elements, click OK. The Multi Output feature appears in the specification tree, grouping elements
  Manage multi-result operations: select the element(s) to keep in case the result in not connex.
  Manage warnings: select an information or warning message to display its location or context in the 3D geometry.
  Interrupt computations: allows to stop the computation of a feature when it requires a few seconds to perform.