This task shows how to analyze the mapping
curvature of a surface. |
- Surfacic curvature analyses can be performed on a set of surfaces.
- If an element belongs to an analysis, it cannot be selected
simultaneously for another analysis, you need to remove the current
analysis by deselecting the element to be able to use it again.
- In some cases, even though the rendering style is properly set, it
may happen that the analysis results are not visible. Check that the
geometry is up-to-date, or perform an update on the involved geometric
- The analysis results depend of the current object. If you want to
change the scope of analysis, use the Define in Work object
contextual command.
- The different mapping analyses of the same surfaces cannot be
displayed simultaneously, even if you have set the mapping analyzes in no
show. You need to visualize them one after the other.
This command is only available
Open the
FreeStyle_02.CATPart document:
- The discretization option should be set to a maximum: in Tools
> Options > Display > Performances, set the 3D
Accuracy >
Fixed option to 0.01
- Uncheck the Highlight faces and edges option in Tools
> Options > General > Display > Navigation to disable the
highlight of the geometry selection.
- Check the Material option in the View > Render Style
> Customize View command to be able to see the analysis results on
the selected element. You can now perform an analysis On the Fly
even if the Material option is not checked, see
On the Fly option. No warning message is
issued as long as no element is selected.
Select Surface.1.
Click the Surfacic Curvature Analysis icon:
The Surfacic curvature dialog box is
displayed, and the analysis is visible on the selected element.
The Surfacic curvature dialog box
displays the following information:
The Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1
dialog box appears and shows the color scale and identifying the maximum
and minimum values for the analysis.
You can right-click on a color rectangle in
the color scale to display the contextual menu:
contextual command allows you to modify the values in the color range
to highlight specific areas of the selected surface. The Color dialog
box is displayed allowing the user to modify the color range.
Unfreeze contextual command
allows you to perform a linear interpolation between non defined
You can also right-click on the value to
display the contextual menu:
Edit contextual command allows you to modify the edition values. The
Value Edition dialog box is displayed: enter a new value
(negative values are allowed) to redefine the color scale, or use the
slider to position the distance value within the allowed range, and
click OK. The value is then frozen, and displayed in a green rectangle.
Unfreeze contextual command
allows you to perform a linear interpolation between non defined
values, meaning that between two set (or frozen) colors/values, the
distribution is done progressively and evenly. This command is
available for all values except for maximum and minimum values. The unfreezed values are no longer highlighted in green.
Max / Use Min contextual commands allow you to evenly
distribute the color/value interpolation between the current limit
values, on the top/bottom values respectively, rather than keeping it
within default values that may not correspond to the scale of the
geometry being analyzed. Therefore, these limit values are set at a
given time, and when the geometry is modified after setting them, these
limit values are not dynamically updated.
These commands are available for maximum
and minimum values only.
The Use Max command is
available if the maximum value is higher or equal to the medium
value, otherwise you need to unfreeze the medium value first.
The Use Min command is
available if the minimum value is lower or equal to the medium value,
otherwise you need to unfreeze the medium value first.
Use Min Max
button in the Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1 dialog box makes
in one action both Use Max / Use Min contextual
commands operation.
The Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1
is created in the specification tree under the Free Form Analysis.1
Analysis Types and Display Options
Select the Gaussian analysis type and the
On the Fly option.
Click the Use Min Max button in the
Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1 dialog box.
Maximum and minimum values are set according to
the computed values displayed below the color scale.
Move the cursor on the surface.
You can also right-click On the Fly
curvature/radius label to display the contextual commands, see
On the Fly option. |
Case of a Ruled Surface
Select Surface.2
Click the Use Min Max button in the
Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1 dialog box.
Values are equal to 0.
Move the cursor on the surface.
Select Surface.1
Select the Minimum analysis type.
Click the Use Min Max button in the
Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1 dialog box.
Move the cursor on the surface.
Minimum curvature and radius values are
The color scale in the Surfacic Curvature
Analysis.1 dialog box corresponds to the previous type analysis
The color scale doesn't change when you select another analysis type or
element. This behavior allows you keep a reference when you compare
curvature values. |
Select the Maximum analysis type.
Click the Use Min Max button in the
Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1 dialog box.
Move the cursor on the surface.
Maximum curvature and radius values are
Select the Limited analysis type.
In the Surfacic curvature dialog box:
The Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1
dialog box has been modified: the color scale has been reduced: four colors
and three values.
Edit the top color and the maximal and minimal values in
the Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1 dialog box as follow, see
Edit color and
Edit edition values.
Minimum curvature and radius values are
Select the Inflection Area analysis type.
In the Surfacic curvature dialog box
only the Color Scale and Highlight options are available.
The Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1
dialog box has been modified.
This analysis enables to identify the curvature
See also
Creating Inflection Lines.
Note that these inflection lines are always created within the green area,
i.e. when the curvature orientation is changing.
Select the Minimum analysis type and the
3D MinMax option.
Click the Use Min Max button in the
Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1 dialog box.
Maximum and minimum values are displayed and
located on the selected element according to the computed values displayed
below the color scale.
Analysis Options
Select the Positive only option and keep
unselected the Radius Mode option.
Click the Use Min Max button in the
Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1 dialog box.
Minimum value is set to 0 below the
color scale.
Only positive values are displayed and located
on the selected element. Minimum value is set to 0 below the
color scale.
Select the Radius Mode option and unselect the
Positive only option.
Click the Use Min Max button in the
Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1 dialog box.
Edit the minimal value in the Surfacic Curvature
Analysis.1 dialog box as follow, see
Edit edition values.
Maximum and minimum radius values are displayed
and located on the selected element according to the computed values
displayed below the color scale.
Select the Gaussian analysis type.
Click the Use Min Max button in the
Surfacic Curvature Analysis.1 dialog box.
Click OK in the Surfacic curvature
dialog box.
Click the Control Points icon:
You can display the control points still viewing
the surfacic curvature analysis. This allows you to check any modification
which affect the surface.
Click Cancel in the Control Points
dialog box.