This application
incorporates intelligent design functions. This means that as you design,
the application ensures your designing meets certain criteria. These
criteria are established by the design rules. For instance, the design
rules will match the threaded end of a pipe to the threaded end of a part.
(You can overrule the rules if you want.) The design rules in turn depend
upon certain tables where the basic data is entered. You can modify or add
to these tables if you want different or additional design rules.
Typically, only the system administrator, or a designated person familiar
with industry standards, will make such a change. The tables that come with
the application are in the following directories: ...\intel_a\Startup\EquipmentAndSystems\XXX\DesignRules ;
Standards and Specification (XXX stands for an application,
such as Piping).
If you want to modify the general design rules, which apply to all
designing, you must modify the tables in the DesignRules directory.
For design rules particular to a standard, look for tables in the Standards
directory; and for design rules particular to a specifications catalog,
look for tables under the Specification directory. To explain further:
General design rules apply to all designing. Design rules you place in a
particular standard apply only when you use that standard during design
time. It is done this way because values may vary from standard to
standard. Design rules you place in a specifications catalog apply only
when you use that specification.
In making changes you should not alter the structure beneath the
EquipmentAndSystems directory.
NOTE: From Release 13 design rules catalogs can point directly to the
text files that define a rule - these are the files referred to in Step 1
below. If a catalog points directly to a text file then, to modify, use the
procedure in Step 1. If your catalog points to a CATProduct then you can
follow both procedures: the one in Step 1, or the one described in Steps 2
& 3. |