Using and Modifying Knowledgeware Rules

atarget.gif (1372 bytes) This task explains use of Knowledgeware rules.

You must have Knowledgeware licenses to use or modify rules.

Three sample Knowledgeware rules are provided for R10. You can import each of these rules into your document to ensure that any designing (and modification) you do is compatible with the values you define in the design rule tables. The three rules for Tubing Design are:

  • Rule_TubingBendableTube_MaxBendRadius.CATProduct
  • Rule_TubingBendableTube_MinGripLength.CATProduct
  • Rule_TubingBendableTube_MaxLength.CATProduct

They are located in the directory ...\intel_a\Startup\EquipmentAndSystems\XXXXX\Sample Data, where XXXXX is the application name, such as Tubing. Piping Design has similar rules, although the names reflect the Piping product (Rule_PipingBendablePipe). They also function in the manner described here.

ascenari.gif (1364 bytes) 1. Rule_TubingBendableTube_MaxBendRadius.CATProduct: This rule ensures that bendable tubes do not exceed the maximum bend radius as defined in your rule table. It obtains its input data from the bending rule table, but only checks for bend radius, obtaining it from the Bend Radius column of that table. It calls the Knowledge Expert function IsBendRadiusConsistent. It applies to TubingBendableTube and PipingBendablePipe.
2. Rule_TubingBendableTube_MinGripLength.CATProduct: This rule ensures that the bendable tubes you use have sufficient grip length, as defined in the rule table. It obtains its input data from the bending rule table, but only checks for minimum grip length, obtaining it from the Minimum Grip Length column of that table. It calls the Knowledge Expert function IsMinimumGriplengthConsistent. It applies to TubingBendableTube and PipingBendablePipe.
3. Rule_TubingBendableTube_MaxLength.CATProduct: This rule ensures that the length of bendable tubes is within a certain range, as defined in your rule table. It obtains its input data from the length rule table, but only checks for allowable length, obtaining it from the Minimum Straight Length and Maximum Length columns of that table. It calls the Knowledge Expert function IsTotalLengthConsistent. It applies to TubingBendableTube and PipingBendablePipe.
4. To import a rule into a document:
  • Make sure your settings are correct. To do this click Tools - Options - General, select Parameters & Measures and then the Knowledge tab. Check the boxes under Parameter Tree View and Language.
  • Click Tools - Options - Infrastructure - Product Structure and then the Tree Customization tab. Under Specification Tree Node Name make sure the values for Parameters and Relations are activated (Yes). You can change the values by clicking on them.
  • Open your document.
  • In the menubar, click Start - Knowledgeware - Knowledge Expert.
  • Click the Insert Rules button and navigate to the directory where the rule is located. The default location is ...\intel_a\Startup\EquipmentAndSystems\XXXXX\Sample Data, where XXXXX is the application name, such as Tubing. 
  • Select the file to insert it in your document.
  • Make sure you are in the correct workbench when you start working on your document. For instance, if you are working on a Tubing document you should be in the Tubing workbench.
5. You must run the rule after you insert it into your document. To run a rule, right click on the Rule Base under which the rule is located, select Rulebase Object on the dropdown and click on Manual Complete Solve. 

The rule will check your document for errors and display an error message if there is a violation of a rule. The message below shows a violation of the length rule.

It is only necessary to run the rule when the "update" symbol appears next to the RuleBase entry in the specifications tree.

6. The rules listed above use a special program to access the design tables. You cannot create a rule that accesses any other design table. You can, however, modify the output portion of existing rules. The rules above generate an error message as their output. You can change this output if you want. You need to know Knowledgeware to do so. Refer to documentation for that product.

7. Although you cannot create a rule that accesses a table, you can create Knowledgeware rules that use exposed objects and attributes (most objects and attributes are exposed). Again, you need to refer to Knowledgeware documentation if you do not know how to create these rules.

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