Following is a list of the basic OpenGL subroutines and the purpose of each.
Select the subroutine about which you want to read. You can also go back to the OpenGL Overview entry article.
glAccum | |
Operates on the accumulation buffer. | |
glAlphaFunc | |
Specifies the alpha test function. | |
glAreTexturesResident | |
Determines if textures are loaded in texture memory. | |
glAreTexturesResidentEXT | |
Determines if textures are loaded in texture memory. | |
glArrayElement | |
Renders a vertex using the specified vertex array element. | |
glArrayElementEXT | |
Renders a vertex using the specified vertex array element.
B | |
glBegin or glEnd | |
Delimits the vertices of a primitive or group of like primitives. | |
glBindTexture | |
Binds a named texture to a texturing target. | |
glBindTextureEXT | |
Binds a named texture to a texturing target. | |
glBitmap | |
Draws a bitmap. | |
glBlendEquationEXT | |
Specifies the RGB color blend equation. | |
glBlendFunc | |
Specifies pixel arithmetic. |
glCallList | |
Executes a display list. | |
glCallLists | |
Executes a list of display lists. | |
glClear | |
Clears buffers within the viewport. | |
glClearAccum | |
Specifies clear values for the accumulation buffer. | |
glClearColor | |
Specifies clear values for the color buffers. | |
glClearDepth | |
Specifies the clear value for the depth buffer. | |
glClearIndex | |
Specifies the clear value for the color index buffers. | |
glClearStencil | |
Specifies the clear value for the stencil buffer. | |
glClipPlane | |
Specifies a plane against which all geometry is clipped. | |
glColor | |
Sets the current color. | |
glColorMask | |
Enables and disables the writing of frame buffer color components. | |
glColorMaterial | |
Causes a material color to track the current color. | |
glColorPointer | |
Defines an array of colors. | |
glColorPointerEXT | |
Defines an array of colors. | |
glCopyPixels | |
Copies pixels in the frame buffer. | |
glCopyTexImage1D | |
Defines a one-dimensional (1D) texture image. | |
glCopyTexImage2D | |
Defines a two-dimensional (2D) texture image. | |
glCopyTexSubImage1D | |
Copies a one-dimensional (1D) texture subimage. | |
glCopyTexSubImage2D | |
Copies a two-dimensional (2D) texture subimage. | |
glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT | |
Copies a three-dimensional (3D) texture subimage. | |
glCullFace | |
Specifies whether frontfacing or backfacing facets may be culled. |
glDeleteLists | |
Deletes a contiguous group of display lists. | |
glDeleteTextures | |
Deletes named textures. | |
glDeleteTexturesEXT | |
Deletes named textures. | |
glDepthFunc | |
Specifies the function used for depth buffer comparisons. | |
glDepthMask | |
Enables or disables writing into the depth buffer. | |
glDepthRange | |
Specifies the mapping of z values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates. | |
glDisable | |
Tests whether a capability is enabled. | |
glDisableClientState | |
Disables an array. | |
glDrawArrays | |
Renders primitives from array data. | |
glDrawArraysEXT | |
Renders primitives from array data. | |
glDrawBuffer | |
Specifies which color buffers are to be used for drawing. | |
glDrawElements | |
Renders primitives from array data. | |
glDrawPixels | |
Writes a block of pixels to the frame buffer. |
glEdgeFlag | |
Marks edges as either boundary or nonboundary. | |
glEdgeFlagPointer | |
Defines an array of edge flags. | |
glEdgeFlagPointerEXT | |
Defines an array of edge flags. | |
glEnable or glDisable | |
Tests whether a capability is enabled. | |
glEnableClientState or glDisableClientState | |
Enables or disables an array. | |
glEnd | |
Delimits the vertices of a primitive or group of like primitives. | |
glEvalCoord | |
Evaluates enabled one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) maps. | |
glEvalMesh | |
Computes a one-dimensional (1D) or two-dimensional (2D) grid of points or lines. | |
glEvalPoint | |
Generates and evaluates a single point in a mesh. |
glFeedbackBuffer | |
Controls the feedback mode. | |
glFinish | |
Blocks until all GL execution is complete. | |
glFlush | |
Forces the running of GL subroutines in finite time. | |
glFog | |
Specifies fog parameters. | |
glFrontFace | |
Defines frontfacing and backfacing polygons. | |
glFrustum | |
Multiplies the current matrix by a perspective matrix. |
glGenLists | |
Generates a contiguous set of empty display lists. | |
glGenTextures | |
Generate texture names. | |
glGenTexturesEXT | |
Generates texture names. | |
glGet | |
Returns the value or values of a selected parameter. | |
glGetClipPlane | |
Returns the coefficients of the clipping plane. | |
glGetError | |
Returns error information. | |
glGetLight | |
Returns light source parameter values. | |
glGetMap | |
Returns evaluator parameters. | |
glGetMaterial | |
Returns material parameters. | |
glGetPixelMap | |
Returns the specified pixel map. | |
glGetPointerv | |
Returns the address of the specified pointer. | |
glGetPointervEXT | |
Returns the address of a vertex data array. | |
glGetPolygonStipple | |
Returns the polygonstipple pattern. | |
glGetString | |
Returns a string describing the current GL connection. | |
glGetTexEnv | |
Returns texture environment parameters. | |
glGetTexGen | |
Returns texture coordinate generation parameters. | |
glGetTexImage | |
Returns a texture image. | |
glGetTexLevelParameter | |
Returns texture parameter levels for a specific level of detail. | |
glGetTexParameter | |
Returns texture parameter values. |
glHint | |
Specifies implementation-specific hints. |
glIndex | |
Sets the current color index. | |
glIndexMask | |
Controls the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers. | |
glIndexPointer | |
Defines an array of color indexes. | |
glIndexPointerEXT | |
Defines an array of color indexes. | |
glInitNames | |
Initializes the name stack. | |
glInterleavedArrays | |
Simultaneously specifies and enables several interleaved arrays. | |
glIsEnabled | |
Tests whether a capability is enabled. | |
glIsList | |
Tests for display list existence. | |
glIsTexture | |
Determines if a name corresponds to a texture. | |
glIsTextureEXT | |
Determines if a name corresponds to a texture. |
glLight | |
Sets light source parameters. | |
glLightModel | |
Sets the lighting model parameters. | |
glLineStipple | |
Specifies the line stipple pattern. | |
glLineWidth | |
Specifies the width of rasterized lines. | |
glListBase | |
Sets the display-list base for the glCallLists subroutine. | |
glLoadIdentity | |
Replaces the current matrix with the identity matrix. | |
glLoadMatrix | |
Replaces the current matrix with an arbitrary matrix. | |
glLoadName | |
Loads a name onto the name stack. | |
glLogicOp | |
Specifies a logical pixel operation for color index rendering. |
glMap1 | |
Defines a one-dimensional (1D) evaluator. | |
glMap2 | |
Defines a two-dimensional (2D) evaluator. | |
glMapGrid | |
Defines a one-dimensional (1D) or two-dimensional (2D) mesh. | |
glMaterial | |
Specifies material parameters for the lighting model. | |
glMatrixMode | |
Specifies the current matrix. | |
glMultMatrix | |
Multiplies the current matrix by an arbitrary matrix. |
glNewList | |
Creates or replaces a display list. | |
glNormal | |
Sets the current normal vector. | |
glNormalPointer | |
Defines an array of normals. | |
glNormalPointerEXT | |
Defines an array of normals. |
glOrtho | |
Multiplies the current matrix by an orthographic matrix. |
glPassThrough | |
Places a marker in the feedback buffer. | |
glPixelMap | |
Sets up pixel transfer maps. | |
glPixelStore | |
Sets pixel storage modes. | |
glPixelTransfer | |
Sets pixel transfer modes. | |
glPixelZoom | |
Specifies the pixel zoom factors. | |
glPointSize | |
Specifies the diameter of rasterized points. | |
glPolygonMode | |
Selects a polygon rasterization mode. | |
glPolygonOffset | |
Sets the scale and bias used to calculate depth values. | |
glPolygonOffsetEXT | |
Sets the scale and bias used to calculate z values. | |
glPolygonStipple | |
Sets the polygon stippling pattern. | |
glPrioritizeTextures | |
Sets texture residence priority. | |
glPrioritizeTexturesEXT | |
Sets texture residence priority. | |
glPushAttrib or PopAttrib | |
Pushes and pops the attribute stack. | |
glPushClientAttrib or PopClientAttrib | |
Pushes and pops the attribute stack. | |
glPushMatrix or PopMatrix | |
Pushes and pops the current matrix stack. | |
glPushName or PopName | |
Pushes and pops the name stack. |
glRasterPos | |
Specifies the raster position for pixel operations. | |
glReadBuffer | |
Selects a color buffer source for pixels. | |
glReadPixels | |
Reads a block of pixels from the frame buffer. | |
glRect | |
Draws a rectangle. | |
glRenderMode | |
Sets rasterization mode. | |
glRotate | |
Multiplies the current matrix by a rotation matrix. |
glScale | |
Multiplies the current matrix by a general scaling matrix. | |
glScissor | |
Defines the scissor box. | |
glSelectBuffer | |
Establishes a buffer for selection mode values. | |
glShadeModel | |
Selects flat or smooth shading. | |
glStencilFunc | |
Sets function and reference values for stencil testing. | |
glStencilMask | |
Controls the writing of individual bits in the stencil planes. | |
glStencilOp | |
Sets stencil test actions. |
glTexCoord | |
Sets the current texture coordinates. | |
glTexCoordPointer | |
Defines an array of texture coordinates. | |
glTexCoordPointerEXT | |
Defines an array of texture coordinates. | |
glTexEnv | |
Sets texture environment parameters. | |
glTexGen | |
Controls the generation of texture coordinates. | |
glTexImage1D | |
Specifies a one-dimensional (1D) texture image. | |
glTexImage2D | |
Specifies a two-dimensional (2D) texture image. | |
glTexImage3DEXT | |
Sepcifies a three-dimensional (3D) texture image. | |
glTexParameter | |
Sets texture parameters. | |
glTexSubImage1D | |
Specifies a one-dimentional (1D) texture subimage. | |
glTexSubImage1DEXT | |
Specifies a one-dimentional (1D) texture subimage. | |
glTexSubImage2D | |
Specifies a two-dimentional (2D) texture subimage. | |
glTexSubImage2DEXT | |
Specifies a two-dimentional (2D) texture subimage. | |
glTexSubImage3DEXT | |
Specifies a three-dimentional (3D) texture subimage. | |
glTranslate | |
Multiplies the current matrix by a translation matrix. |
glVertex | |
Specifies a vertex. | |
glVertexPointer | |
Defines an array of vertex data. | |
glVertexPointerEXT | |
Defines an array of vertex data. | |
glViewport | |
Sets the viewport. |