Third Edition (April 1996)

Trademarks and Acknowledgments

About This Book

Chapter 1. Host Connection Program Overview

Chapter 2. Using Host Connection Program
Using HCON Overview
S/390 Host Double-Byte Character Set Emulation
HCON Sessions and Session Profiles
HCON Profile Fields and Associated Command Flags
Xwindow 3270 Emulator (xhcon)
3270 Emulator
3270 Keyboard
Operator Information Area (OIA)
Using Default 3270 Keyboards
Using Display Session on POWERserver and POWERstation Keyboards
Using Display Session on 3151, 3161, 3162, 3163, and 3164 Keyboards
Using Display Session on DEC VT100 Keyboards
Using Display Session on DEC VT220 Keyboards
Using Display Session on WYSE Keyboards
HCON Utility Program Overview
HCON Utility Program Keys and Fields
Customizing HCON Color and Highlight Values with the Utility Program
Customizing the HCON Color Definition Table
Customizing the HCON Keyboard Definition Table
Customizing HCON Key Definitions with the Utility Program
HCON File Transfers
HCON Utility Program File Transfer Facility
HCON Host Logon Procedures
Creating and Testing an HCON AUTOLOG Script
Using an HCON AUTOLOG Script
Debugging an HCON AUTOLOG Script
Using the HCON Utility Program Logon and Logoff Facility
HCON Commands

Chapter 3. Managing Host Connection Program

Chapter 4. High-Level Language Application Programming Interface

Chapter 5. Programming the Host Connection Program

Appendix A. HLLAPI Return Codes

Appendix B. HCON Commands