This procedure explains how to debug an HCON AUTOLOG script.
An AUTOLOG script must be stored in your $HOME directory.
Note: The /usr/lib/hcon directory provides sample AUTOLOG scripts: SYSvm1, SYSvm2, and SYStso. The directory also contains the logform file, which shows the format of the genprof command menu.
The tracing facility assists in debugging the AUTOLOG script by enabling you to view the result of the AUTOLOG script execution. To use the tracing facility, you must:
Enter logon id: Alex,vm6,trace
Enter logon id: Alex,vm6,trace,time=10where the Seconds variable (time = 10 ) indicates the number of seconds to wait for host activity.
As the AUTOLOG script attempts to automatically log on to the host, the tracing facility monitors the script execution. The facility prints the results of each string pattern search and the key strokes sent to the host. This enables you to monitor the results and modify the script, if necessary.