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3270 Host Connection Program 2.1 and 1.3.3 for AIX: Guide and Reference

HCON Host Logon Procedures

Before information can be exchanged between a local system and a host system, you must log on to the host system with a valid host user ID and password. For more information about using the logon and logoff utility, see "Using the HCON Utility Program Logon and Logoff Facility".

There are two ways to log on to a host system:

manual logon Starts a display session and logs on to the host system.
automatic logon
                          Starts a session, then runs a user-written HLLAPI program to perform the logon steps. Starts a file transfer or a program that starts an emulator session. Starts a session, a file transfer, or an API program starting an emulator session.

Then the program reads a user defined AUTOLOG script, which determines how to log on to the system. The AUTOLOG procedure may ask for a host user ID and any other host logon parameters that are not specified in the session profile or in the API program.

Automatic logons can be performed by file transfer procedures, by API programs, or by running an AUTOLOG script either from an emulator subshell, using the tlog command, or from the HCON utility program.

Automatic Logon (AUTOLOG)

AUTOLOG enables you to create a menu-driven logon procedure without writing a program. Use the genprof command or the HCON utility program to create an AUTOLOG script containing all the information necessary to perform logon and logoff operations. HCON provides example AUTOLOG scripts containing the appropriate information for the AUTOLOG procedure.

AUTOLOG Parameters

For an AUTOLOG procedure to succeed, the following parameters must either be set in the HCON session profile or entered during logon:

Host Logon ID Gives the host logon ID.
AUTOLOG Node ID Names the AUTOLOG procedure to be used.
AUTOLOG Trace Controls output to help test the AUTOLOG script.
AUTOLOG Timeout Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a particular pattern to be received from the host. The default value is 0.
Note: Always enter the host password when logging on.

If the host logon ID parameter is not set in the session profile, you are prompted for a host logon string containing the parameters and password. If the Host Logon ID parameter is set in the session profile, you are only prompted for the password. The rest of the parameters are retrieved from the profile.

Set or override the AUTOLOG parameters at logon time by entering a logon string at the host system prompt. Use the utility program logon facility and enter data into the Change Values screen, or set the user ID and password parameters for the g32_open or g32_openx calls in API programs.

If you enter the logon string at the prompt, the first value in the logon ID string must be the Host Logon ID. The second value is the AUTOLOG script name (node ID). After the node ID, the string can contain the optional AUTOLOG Trace and AUTOLOG Timeout parameter values. Each parameter value must be separated by commas. For example:

Enter logon id string:
Enter password:

If certain parameters are missing from the host logon string but are in the profile, they are still retrieved. For example, if you set the Node ID, Trace, and Timeout parameters in the session profile, only enter the Host Logon ID when prompted. However, your response to a prompt always overrides a profile parameter. For example, if you set the AUTOLOG Timeout parameter in the session profile but enter a different value on the prompt line or the Utility Change Values screen, the latter value is used.

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