Setting Up Your Session


Entering the DMU Navigator Workbench: In the Start menu, select Digital Mockup ->DMU Navigator.
Inserting Components: Select Insert -> Existing Component..., then select desired components via the Insert an Existing Component dialog box.
Viewing the Current Selection: Select one or more products then click the Current Selection icon.
Activating the Cache: Select Tools -> Options. Expand the Infrastructure category. Click the Cache Management tab. Check the Work with the cache system option.
Viewing the Cache Content: Select Tools -> Cache Content.
Searching for Named Objects: Click the Search icon, enter search criteria in the Search dialog box and click Search.
Resetting Component Position: To reset the position of all elements, click the Reset Position icon. To reset the position of selected elements, select the elements then click the Reset Position icon.
Setting Current Position as Initial Position: To reset the current position as initial for all elements, click the Set Current Position as Initial icon. To set the current position as initial for  selected elements only, select the elements then click the Set Current Position as Initial icon.


Importing CAD parts into a CATProduct Document: Select Insert ->Existing Component..., then select .prt or .asm type files via the Insert an Existing Component dialog box.

Defining Groups: Select one or more products in the geometry area or specification tree, click the Group icon then click OK in the Edit Group dialog box.
Visualizing CATIA V4 Layer Filters: Activate the model if necessary (right-click the model and, in the contextual menu,  Edit -> Representations -> Activate Node), set the model to design mode (right-click the model and, in the contextual menu,  Edit -> Representations -> Design Mode) and in the menu bar select Tools -> CATIA V4 Layer Filters.
Accessing CATIA V4 Comment Pages: Load the model, select the model and in the menu bar select Edit -> Properties. In lower-right corner, click More button.
Modifying the Sag Value in Visualization Mode: Work with the Cache system in visualization mode. Select the object and then Tools -> Modify Sag...
Creating a Point, Line, Plane or Axis System: Explains how to create a new point, line, plane or axis system.
Moving Components: Explains the use of the parameters in the Move dialog box. 
Translating Components: Click the Translate or Rotate icon, select a component and enter an offset value in the Move dialog box.
Rotating Components: Click the Translate or Rotate icon, then click the Rotation tab in the Move dialog box. Select a component, select the rotation axis and specify an angle.
Positioning Components: Click the Translation or Rotation icon.
Applying a Transformation: Click the Translate or Rotate icon, then click the Transformation tab in the Move dialog box. Select a component, then specify translation and rotation values.
Snapping Components: Click the Snap icon, select the component to be moved, select a  geometric element on to-be-moved component, then select a geometric element on the receiving component.

Snapping Components using Multiple Constraints: Click the Snap icon, select the component to be moved, select a  geometric element on to-be-moved component, then select a geometric element on the receiving component. Continue defining constraints as needed.

Performing a Symmetry on a Component: Click the Symmetry icon, select the element used as the reference of the symmetry,  define the symmetry parameters in the Assembly Symmetry Wizard dialog box and validate.

Rotating a Component by Using the Symmetry Command: Click the Symmetry icon, select the element used as the reference of the symmetry,  select the component to be moved, check the option Symmetry (move), select a plane (XY, YZ or XZ) and validate.