This task will show you how to position a component:
- by entering the position values and specifying the axis angle values
- by selecting a geometric element to define the rotation axis and
entering the angle value (not described in this scenario)
Open the
Move.CATProduct document. |
Click the Translation or Rotation icon
The Move dialog box is displayed.
For an explanation of the parameters Apply
on leaf product and Relative move, see
Moving Components. |
Click the Position tab.
Select the component to be positioned, i.e.
Enter values for x, y and/or z to define the position
e.g. enter 0.
Specify angle values for RotX (e.g. 0deg), RotY (e.g.
50deg) and RotZ (e.g. 0deg).
Click Apply.
The selected component is positioned accordingly.
Click OK when satisfied.