Menu Bar

This section presents the process commands that are contained within the DMU Fitting Simulator workbench, and that appear only on the menu bar, not on toolbars.  

Common V5 commands, such as File > Save, are documented in the V5 Infrastructure User's Guide.

Commands that appear both on toolbars and menus are referenced in the toolbar sections following this section.

Start File Edit View Insert Tools Analyze Window Help


For See
Group Defining Groups
Simulation Recording a Simulation


For See
Convert Simulation Converting a Simulation into a Sequence
Generate Video Generating a Video Using Standard Tools
Generate Replay Generating a Replay
Replay Defining Several Shuttles
Player About Player
Track file export Exporting and Importing Tracks in Neutral Format
Writing Axis Systems from a V5 track to a V4 Model
Track file import  Exporting and Importing Tracks in Neutral Format


For See
Graphic Messages DMU Navigator User's Guide : User Tasks: Annotating: Using Temporary Markers
Current Selection Recording a Multiple Shuttle Simulation


For See
New Gantt Chart Window Displaying a Gantt Chart