About Player

The Player pop-up toolbar is available every time you create a track or a sequence, or when you simulate your track. You can undock the Player pop-up toolbar at any time.  When you use some of the commands from the Recorder or Manipulation pop-up toolbars, the Player toolbar becomes disabled.

You can access Player at any time (to generate a replay or publish a clash report for instance), by clicking Player from the DMU Simulation toolbar or selecting Tools > Simulation > Player.

Player Pop-up Toolbar

  The toolbar includes the following elements:

Loop Modes

Icon Explanation
Single loop (shows simulation once, from beginning to end).

Note:  This is the default value.  To see other loop options, click on this button.  The option that is visible is the one that will be operating.

Continuous loop, from beginning to end, then end to beginning.
Continuous loop, from beginning to end, then jumps back to beginning.


  As you drag the slider, you can see the data move as defined for the track (e.g., you can see a section attached to a track move along the track).

VCR-like Buttons

Use the buttons or the slider to simulate your track directly, or use the keyboard shortcuts.
Icon Explanation
Skip to Beginning
Step Backward
Play Backward
Play Forward
Step Forward
Skip to End
  To access a recorded shot for modification purposes, use the Step Backward and Step Forward buttons from the Player toolbar.


Keyboard Shortcuts

  When working in full screen, the Player toolbar is not accessible. You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to access Player capabilities:
Use  This Keyboard Key/Combination To
Right arrow Play Forward
Left arrow Play Backward
Up arrow Step Forward
Down arrow Step Backward
l (i.e., a lowercase letter "L") Set the loop mode
p (for parameters in lower case) Access Speed and Pause settings
  Note: These shortcuts are also available in other screen modes

Time/Shot/Distance Mode

For a track, you can play the simulation in one of two modes:
  • Time, in seconds (default) The time units (by default, seconds) are set in Tools > Options > Parameters and Measure > Units.
  • Shot (key frame). Selecting Shot makes the simulation jump from one shot to another, in sequence.
  • Distance allows you to interpolate along a track with a set distance. Each step is a constant distance unit (for example 1 mm). Users can move to a particular distance along the track (done with the step forward and backward buttons).

In the box, you can enter a precise value according to the mode selected in the list.  The slider moves the simulation forward according to the mode selected.

When you open the Edit Sequence dialog box, as part of editing or defining a sequence, you can only access time mode.


  The track is replayed at a constant speed. Clicking Parameter brings up the Player Parameters dialog box, which enables you to set a sampling size so that you see the simulation at steps of every 1, 2, or 5 seconds.  You can also select an temporization option, which enables you to determine how quickly you see the simulation.  Without selecting the parameters, you see one second of the simulation in one second of real time.  If you want to view the simulation more quickly, you can set the temporization size smaller (e.g., to .25 s) and the sample size larger (e.g., 5 s).

About Sampling Step

The sampling step corresponds to the sampling step value in seconds (the total duration is divided into intervals calculated in seconds)

By default, four sampling time steps are available, but you may edit these values whenever you need to.

About Temporization

Allows you introduce a short pause between sampling steps.