Fifth Edition (April 1994)


About This Book



Summary of Amendments

Chapter 1. Control Subroutines

Chapter 2. Output Primitives

Chapter 3. Attribute Structure Elements

Chapter 4. Miscellaneous Structure Elements

Chapter 5. Structure Operations

Chapter 6. Archive Subroutines

Chapter 7. Workstation Table Operations

Chapter 8. Display Subroutines

Chapter 9. Transformation Subroutines

Chapter 10. Input Subroutines
GPAWEV - Await Event
GPBKAC - Set Break Action
GPCHMO - Set Choice Mode
GPCUR - Set Cursor Representation
GPCUS - Set Cursor Shape
GPEPD - Emulate Physical Device
GPEVHN - Define Event Handling Subroutine
GPFLEV - Flush Device Event
GPFWEV - Flush Workstation Event
GPGTCH - Get Choice
GPGTLC - Get Locator
GPGTMS - Get Message
GPGTPK - Get Pick
GPGTSK - Get Stroke
GPGTST - Get String
GPGTVL - Get Valuator
GPGTXP - Get Extended Pick
GPGWIN - Get Window
GPICS - Set Input Character Set
GPIDMO - Set Input Device Mode
GPIEC - Set Input Echo Color
GPINCH - Initialize Choice
GPINLC - Initialize Locator
GPINPK - Initialize Pick
GPINSK - Initialize Stroke
GPINST - Initialize String
GPINVL - Initialize Valuator
GPIPKC - Set Initial Pick Correlation State
GPIT - Set Input Device Trigger
GPLCMO - Set Locator Mode
GPPDMO - Set Physical Device Mode
GPPKAP - Set Pick Aperture
GPPKF - Set Pick Filter
GPPKMO - Set Pick Mode
GPPKSC - Set Pick Selection Criteria
GPRQCH - Request Choice
GPRQLC - Request Locator
GPRQPK - Request Pick
GPRQSK - Request Stroke
GPRQST - Request String
GPRQVL - Request Valuator
GPRQXP - Request Extended Pick
GPSKMO - Set Stroke Mode
GPSMCH - Sample Choice
GPSMLC - Sample Locator
GPSMPK - Sample Pick
GPSMSK - Sample Stroke
GPSMST - Sample String
GPSMVL - Sample Valuator
GPSMXP - Sample Extended Pick
GPSTMO - Set String Mode
GPVLMO - Set Valuator Mode

Chapter 11. Font Subroutines

Chapter 12. Image Subroutines

Chapter 13. Utility Subroutines

Chapter 14. Error Handling Subroutines

Chapter 15. Miscellaneous Subroutines

Chapter 16. Inquire Subroutines

Chapter 17. Compatibility Subroutines

Chapter 18. Distributed Application Processing (DAP)

Appendix A. Character Set and Font Identifiers

Appendix B. Error Processing

Appendix C. Error-to-Subroutine Reference