GPINSK (wsid, device, view, npoint, width, pointlist, echo, area, buflen, editpos, datalen, data) |
Use GPINSK to initialize the specified stroke device.
The Initialize Stroke subroutine stores the initial stroke, initial view index, prompt/echo type, echo area and stroke data record in the workstation state list for the specified device.
For all prompt/echo types, the input buffer size is compared to the maximum input buffer size for stroke devices on that workstation. If the requested buffer size is greater, the maximum buffer size for stroke devices is substituted in the stored record. If the initial stroke is longer than the buffer size, an error is issued.
When a stroke measure process begins, it acquires a buffer of the current input buffer size. The initial stroke pointlist is copied into this buffer, and the editing position is placed at the initial buffer editing position. The replacement of points begins at this initial position. The x, y, z and time intervals (where possible) of the data record control the frequency and density of stroke points.
The stroke device must be in Request mode.
The data record length parameter must equal zero (datalen=0) if no data record is required for the given prompt/echo type. For prompt/echo types which require a data record, the specified data record length must be greater than, or equal to, 12.
Prompt/echo Types
---------------------------- 0 | 0 | Number of integers |--------------------------| 4 | 4 | Number of reals |--------------------------| 8 | 0 | Number of strings ----- |--------------------------| | 12 | x interval (WC) | | |--------------------------| | 16 | y interval (WC) | reals | |--------------------------| | 20 | z interval (WC) | | |--------------------------| | 24 | time interval (>=0) | ----- ----------------------------
Stroke echo Type Three requires the following data record:
----------------------------- 0 | 1 or 7 | Number of integers |---------------------------| 4 | 4 or 5 | Number of reals |---------------------------| 8 | 0 | Number of strings ---- |---------------------------| | 12 | attribute control flag | 0=NO ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIED | | | 1=ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIED | |---------------------------|---- | 16 | marker type ASF * | | | |---------------------------| | 1=BUNDLED integers| 20 |marker size scale fact ASF*| | 2=INDIVIDUAL | |---------------------------| | | 24 |polymarker color indx ASF* | | | |---------------------------|---- | 28 | polymarker index* |<-----Bundle table | |---------------------------|---- index | 32 | marker type index* | | | |---------------------------| |--- | 36 | polymarker color index* | | | ------ |---------------------------|---- | | 40 | x interval (WC) | | Individual | |---------------------------| | attribute reals| 44 | y interval (WC) | | settings | |---------------------------| | | 48 | z interval (WC) | | | |---------------------------| | | 52 |time interval (>=0) | | | |---------------------------|---- | | 56 | marker size scale factor* | |--- ------ ----------------------------- --- * Polymarker Attributes only present if attribute control flag=1
Stroke echo Type Four requires the following data record:
------------------------------ 0 | 1 or 7 | Number of integers |----------------------------| 4 | 4 or 5 | Number of reals |----------------------------| 8 | 0 | Number of strings ---- |----------------------------| | 12 | attribute control flag | 0=NO ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIED | | | 1=ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIED | |----------------------------|---- | 16 | linetype ASF * | | | |----------------------------| | 1=BUNDLED integers| 20 |linewidth scale factor ASF* | | 2=INDIVIDUAL | |----------------------------| | | 24 | polyline color index ASF* | | | |----------------------------|---- | 28 | polyline index* |<---- Bundle table | |----------------------------|---- index | 32 | linetype index* | | | |----------------------------| |--- | 36 | polyline color index* | | | ------ |----------------------------|---- | | 40 | x interval (WC) | | Individual | |----------------------------| | attribute reals| 44 | y interval (WC) | | settings | |----------------------------| | | 48 | z interval (WC) | | | |----------------------------| | | 52 |time interval (>=0) | | | |----------------------------|---- | | 56 |linewidth size scale factor*| |--- ------ ------------------------------ --- * Polyline Attributes only present if attribute control flag=1
Error Codes
Related Subroutines
RCP code
201335298 (X'0C002202')