Fifth Edition (April 1994)


About This Book



Summary of Amendments

Chapter 1. Control Subroutines
GPATR - Attach Resource
GPCLAR - Close Archive File
GPCLWS - Close Workstation
GPCNC - Connect Nucleus
GPCRFD - Create Font Directory
GPCRIB - Create Image Board
GPCRSS - Create Structure Store
GPCRWS - Create Workstation
GPDF - Set Deferral State
GPDNC - Disconnect Nucleus
GPDTR - Detach Resource
GPMSG - Message
GPMSPW - Set Message Password
GPOPAR - Open Archive File
GPOPWS - Open Workstation
GPPW - Set Password
GPRAST - Redraw All Structures
GPSBMS - Send Broadcast Message
GPSDAL - Sound Alarm
GPSHDF - Set Shell Deferral State
GPSPMS - Send Private Message
GPSYNC - Synchronize
GPTRCE - Internal Trace Control
GPUPWA - Update Workstation Asynchronous
GPUPWS - Update Workstation

Chapter 2. Output Primitives

Chapter 3. Attribute Structure Elements

Chapter 4. Miscellaneous Structure Elements

Chapter 5. Structure Operations

Chapter 6. Archive Subroutines

Chapter 7. Workstation Table Operations

Chapter 8. Display Subroutines

Chapter 9. Transformation Subroutines

Chapter 10. Input Subroutines

Chapter 11. Font Subroutines

Chapter 12. Image Subroutines

Chapter 13. Utility Subroutines

Chapter 14. Error Handling Subroutines

Chapter 15. Miscellaneous Subroutines

Chapter 16. Inquire Subroutines

Chapter 17. Compatibility Subroutines

Chapter 18. Distributed Application Processing (DAP)

Appendix A. Character Set and Font Identifiers

Appendix B. Error Processing

Appendix C. Error-to-Subroutine Reference