GPINLC (wsid, device, view, pos, echo, area, datalen, data) |
Use GPINLC to initialize the specified locator device.
The Initialize Locator subroutine stores the initial locator position, initial view index, prompt/echo type, echo area, and locator data record in the workstation state list for the specified device.
Two positions are required for some locator prompt/echo types: the initial locator position, which remains fixed during input operation, and the current locator position, which varies dynamically as you use the locator.
The locator device must be in Request mode.
The data record length parameter must equal zero (datalen=0) if no data record is required for the given prompt/echo type. For prompt/echo types which require a data record, the specified data record length must be greater than, or equal to, 12.
Prompt/echo Types
Type Four requires the following data record:
----------------------------- 0 | 0 or 1 or 7 | Number of integers |---------------------------| 4 | 0 or 1 | Number of reals |---------------------------| 8 | 0 | Number of strings -------- |---------------------------| | 12 | attribute control flag ** | 0=NO ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIED | | | 1=ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIED | |---------------------------|---- | 16 | linetype ASF* | | | |---------------------------| |1=BUNDLED | 20 |linewidth scale factor ASF*| |2=INDIVIDUAL integers| |---------------------------| | | 24 | polyline color index ASF *| | | |---------------------------|---- | 28 | polyline index * |<---- Bundle table index | |---------------------------|---- | 32 | linetype index * | | | |---------------------------| | Individual | 36 | polyline color index * | | attribute -------- |---------------------------| | settings real -----> 40 | linewidth scale factor *| | ----------------------------|---- * Polyline Attributes Only present if attribute control flag=1 ** Attribute Control Flag Only present if number of integers >0
Type Five requires the following data record:
---------------------------- 0| 0 or 1 or 16 | Number of integers |--------------------------| 4| 0 or 1 | Number of reals |--------------------------| 8| 0 | Number of strings |--- |--------------------------| | 12| attribute control flag **| 0=NO ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIED | | | 1=ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIED | |--------------------------|---- | 16| interior style ASF * | | | |--------------------------| | | 20| style index ASF * | | | |--------------------------| | | 24|interior color index ASF *| | 1=BUNDLED | |--------------------------| | 2=INDIVIDUAL | 28| edge flag ASF * | | | |--------------------------| | | 32| edge linetype ASF * | | | |--------------------------| | | 36| edge color index ASF * | | | |--------------------------| | | 40| edge scale factor ASF * | | | |--------------------------|---- integers | 44| interior index * |---- | |--------------------------| | Bundle table index | 48| edge index * |---- | |--------------------------|---- | 52| interior style * | | | |--------------------------| | | 56| style index * | | Individual | |--------------------------| | attribute | 60| interior color index * | | settings | |--------------------------| | | 64| edge flag * | | | |--------------------------| | | 68| edge linetype * | | | |--------------------------| | | 72| edge color index * | | |--------------------------| | real -----> 76| edge scale factor * | | ---------------------------- --- * Polygon Attributes Only present if attribute control flag=1 ** Attribute Control Flag Only present if number of integers >0
The structure identifier of the root structure to be dragged is specified in the data record and, optionally, the World Coordinate (WC) point on the structure to which the locator is attached. If the attachment point is not specified, the point (0, 0, 0) is used. If for the attachment point, only x, y coordinates are specified, a z coordinate of zero is used. The structure to be dragged must be associated with the workstation before it can be attached to the locator device.
The structure is conceptually dragged in Viewing Coordinate (VC) space, before the view projection is applied. The structure definition may vary while the locator is active. For example, the application may choose to scale the structure as it is dragged using a modeling transformation. The dragged structure network is clipped to the locator device echo area.
Type Seven requires the following data record:
---------------------------- 0 | 1 | Number of integers |--------------------------| 4 | 0, 2 or 3 | Number of reals |--------------------------| 8 | 0 | Number of strings |--------------------------| integer--->12 | structure identifier | ----- |--------------------------| | 16 | X coordinate (WC) | | |--------------------------| reals | 20 | Y coordinate (WC) | | |--------------------------| | 24 | Z coordinate (WC) | ----- ----------------------------
Error Codes
Related Subroutines
RCP code
201335297 (X'0C002201')