What's New?

New Functionalities

Analysis Connections

Inserting Sets of Analysis Connections
You can insert several sets of analysis connections.

Enhanced Functionalities

Before You Begin
Overcome the 2Gb storage size limitation for CATAnalysis documents.

Analysis Cases

Inserting Combined Cases
You can now select multi-load static solutions, assembled solutions and imported solutions.

Model Manager

Importing Composite Property
You can now take into account producibility defined in the Composite Design workbench.

XML Mapping Property

Mapping File Syntax
The syntax of the XML mapping file has been enhanced (new attributes; possibility to reference publications, geometrical sets and multi-output features...).
Exporting XML Mapping File
The properties already applied are now taken into account in the exported XML mapping file and you can select groups under mesh parts as support of the mapping property.

Connection Properties

About Connection Properties
You can release degrees of freedom on beam inside a user-defined connection properties except for the Beam-Spring-Beam combination.

Results Visualization

ELFINI Solver Log
A warning message is displayed when you launch a computation if equilibrium in the system is not reached.
Cut Plane Analysis
The last cut plane properties are stored in the settings and you can restore the default position and orientation of the cut plane.
Available Images
You can generate several images of failure under analysis solutions with different criteria: Hoffman, Maximum failure, Tresca, Tsai-Hill, Tsai-Wu and Von Mises criterion.
A new physical type is available: Failure criterion.
New images are available for the Stress physical type.
Failure Criteria
Formulas of the failure criterion images are described.
Exporting Data
You can export value locations of a user-defined axis system.

Customizing Settings

Automatic naming of mesh parts, connection properties, connection mesh parts and user materials.