Dashboard Tools

  This chapter deals with dashboard tools. These tools are available from the Dashboard Toolbar and the Tools menu:
Create datums: click the icon to deactivate the History mode.
Keep the Initial Element: click the icon and use another command do create/modify an element. The operation is performed on a copy of the original element.
Insert in a New Geometrical Set: select this mode once you enter a command to create the result of the operation in a new geometrical set.
Create a Temporary Analysis: select this mode once you enter a command in order to get a feedback on the connection quality.
Auto-detection: specify the search type and set the auto-detection parameters.
Set the Manipulators Attenuation Factor: choose the attenuation value for the manipulators step.
Display Continuities On Elements: select the element and click the icon to display a text indicating the continuity type on the element. 
Display Contact Points On Elements: select the element and click the icon to display the contact points and their manipulators on the element. 
Display Tensions On Elements: select the element and click the icon to display the tension vector and value on the element. 
Display U and V Orders On Elements: select the element and click the icon to display the order number along U and/or V
Display Control Points Temporarily: click the icon to display control points on selected elements while another command is running.