AIX Documentation: Commands:

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sa Summarizes accounting records.
sa1 Collects and stores binary data in the /var/adm/sa/sadd file.
sa2 Writes a daily report in the /var/adm/sa/sardd file.
sact Displays current SCCS file-editing status.
sadc Provides a system data collector report.
sar Collects, reports, or saves system activity information.
savebase Saves information about base-customized devices in the Device Configuration database onto the boot device.
savecore Saves a system dump.
savevg Finds and backs up all files belonging to a specified volume group.
scan Produces a one line per message scan listing.
sccs Administration program for SCCS commands.
sccsdiff Compares two versions of a SCCS file.
sccshelp Provides information about a SCCS message or command.
schedtune Sets parameters for CPU scheduler and Virtual Memory Manager processing.
scls Produces a list of module and driver names.
script Makes a typescript of a terminal session.
sdiff Compares two files and displays the differences in a side-by-side format.
secldapclntd Provides and manages connection between the AIX LDAP load module of the local host and LDAP Security Information Server, and handles transactions from the LDAP load module to the LDAP Security Information Server.
securetcpip Enables the operating system network security feature.
sed Provides a stream editor.
send Sends a message.
sendbug Mails a system bug report to a specified address.
sendmail Routes mail for local or network delivery.
setclock Sets the time and date for a host on a network.
setgroups Resets a session's process group set.
setmaps Sets terminal maps or code set maps.
setsenv Resets the protected state environment of a user.
sh Invokes the default shell.
shconf Manages the system hang detection parameters.
shell Executes a shell with the user's default credentials and environment.
show Shows messages.
showmount Displays a list of all clients that have remotely mounted file systems.
shutacct Turns off processing accounting.
shutdown Ends system operation.
size Displays the section sizes of the Extended Common Object File Format (XCOFF) object files.
skulker Cleans up file systems by removing unwanted files.
slattach Attaches serial lines as network interfaces.
sleep Suspends execution for an interval.
slibclean Removes any currently unused modules in kernel and library memory.
sliplogin Converts a standard-input terminal line into a Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) link to a remote host.
slocal Processes incoming mail.
smServerprop Lists server properties.
smcaprop Provides read-only information on the Certificate Authority.
smdefca Defines an internal certificate authority.
smdemon.cleanu Cleans up the sendmail queue for periodic housekeeping.
smexpcacert Exports the CA certificate.
smgenkeycr Generates server private keys and certificate requests.
smgenprivkr Generates server private key ring files./
smimpcacert Imports the certificate authority's certificate.
smimpservercert Imports the Server Certificate.
sminstkey Installs private key ring.
smit Performs system management.
smlistcerts Lists CA certificates.
smserverprop Lists server properties.
smsigncert Processes certificate requests and generates certificates.
smundefca Unconfigures internal Certificate Authority.
snap Gathers system configuration information.
snmpd Starts the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) daemon as a background process.
snmpinfo Requests or modifies values of Management Information Base (MIB) variables managed by a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent.
sno Provides a SNOBOL interpreter.
soelim Processes .so requests in nroff command files.
sort Sorts files, merges files that are already sorted, and checks files to determine if they have been sorted.
sortbib Sorts a bibliographic database.
sortm Sorts messages.
spell Finds English Language spelling errors.
spellin Creates a spelling list.
spellout Verifies that a word is not in the spelling list.
split Splits a file into pieces.
splitlvcopy Splits copies from one logical volume and creates a new logical volume from them.
splp Changes or displays printer driver settings.
spost Routes a message.
spray Sends a specified number of packets to a host and reports performance statistics.
sprayd Receives packets sent by the spray command.
srcmstr Starts the System Resource Controller.
srex Starts the sequential daemon for the Distributed System Management Interface Tool (DSMIT).
startcondresp Starts monitoring a condition that has one or more linked responses.
startsrc Starts a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
startup Turns on accounting functions at system startup.
startx Initializes an X session.
statd Provides crash and recovery functions for the locking services on NFS.
stopcondresp Stops monitoring a condition that has one or more linked responses.
stopsrc Stops a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
stpinet Disables the inet instance.
strace Prints STREAMS trace messages.
strchg Changes stream configuration.
strclean Cleans up the STREAMS error logger.
strconf Queries stream configuration.
strerr Receives error log messages from the STREAMS log driver.
strinfo Displays administrative information about STREAMS activity.
strings Finds the printable strings in an object or binary file.
strip Reduces the size of an Extended Common Object File Format (XCOFF) object file by removing information used by the binder and symbolic debug program.
stripnm Displays the symbol information of a specified object file.
strload Loads and configures Portable Streams Environment (PSE).
strreset Resets a stream. This command only applies to AIX 4.2 or later.
struct Translates a FORTRAN program into a RATFOR program.
sttinet Enables the inet instance.
stty Sets, resets, and reports workstation operating parameters.
stty-cxma Sets and reports the terminal options for a TTY configuration of the 128-port asynchronous subsystem.
style Analyzes surface characteristics of a document.
su Changes the user ID associated with a session.
subj Generates a list of subjects from a document.
sum Displays the checksum and block count of a file.
survd Controls the surveillance daemon.
svmon Captures and analyzes a snapshot of virtual memory.
swapoff Deactivates one or more paging space.
swapon Specifies additional devices for paging and swapping.
swcons Redirects, temporarily, the system console output to a specified device or file.
sync Updates the i-node table and writes buffered files to the hard disk.
synclvodm Synchronizes or rebuilds the logical volume control block, the device configuration database, and the volume group descriptor areas on the physical volumes.
syncvg Synchronizes logical volume copies that are not current.
syscall Performs a specified subroutine call.
sysck Checks the inventory information during installation and update procedures.
sysdumpdev Changes the primary or secondary dump device designation in a running system.
sysdumpstart Provides a command line interface to start a kernel dump to the primary or secondary dump device.
sysline Displays system status on the status line of a terminal.
syslogd Logs system messages.