The CD Navigation Pages allow you to navigate and read the documents stored on this documentation CD. Use the CD Navigation Pages to navigate and read the documentation directly from the CD in your CD-ROM drive. The documentation CD must remain in the CD-ROM drive while you are navigating or reading the documents.
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The View Bar allows you to select one of the available library views. Each view may present different documents and may organize the documents differently. Click the view name to see the documents available in the view. The View Bar pictured above is an example. The exact names of the views that are available may vary depending on the contents of the CD you are reading.
Objects that appear in the views may be arranged into trees. Some objects in the trees are containers that have objects inside them. Other objects are documents that contain text. Both objects appear as links.
Click a container link to display the layer of contents under the object in a new second-level page. The new view shows the objects that are under the object you opened.
Click a document link to open it inside the browser and read the document's contents.
To open and read documents that are in PDF format, you must have a PDF viewer installed and your browser must be configured to use that viewer.
Instead of reading the documents from the CD, you can install or mount the documentation on this CD onto your computer. Installing the documentation allows you to navigate, search, and read the documentation using the dynamic Documentation Library application.
Installing the documentation has a number of advantages, including the following:
For instructions on how to install the documentation, see the Installation Guide on the documentation CD.