savecore { [ [ -c ] [ -d ] [ -f ] ] | [ -F [ -d ] ] } DirectoryName SystemName
The function of the savecore command is to save a system dump and is usually run at system startup.
The savecore command checks to see that you have a recent dump and that there is enough space to save it. The system dump is saved in the DirectoryName/vmcore.n file, and the system is saved in the DirectoryName/vmunix.n file. The n variable is specified in the DirectoryName/bounds file. If this file does not exist, it is created with a default of 0, and the n variable uses this value. With each subsequent dump, the n variable is increased by 1.
The savecore command also checks to see if the current dump was compressed. If so, then it is copied to a file named DirectoryName/vmcore. n.Z, where .Z is the standard indication that a file is compressed.
Note: This applies to AIX 4.3.2 and later.
If the system dump was from a system other than /unix, the name of the system must be supplied as SystemName.
Note: The savecore command saves only the current dump and the dump prior to the current one.
The directory may contain a file named minfree. This file contains the number of kbytes to leave free in the directory. The minfree file can be used to ensure a minimum amount of free space is left after the dump is copied.
savecore -d DirectoryName
savecore -f -d DirectoryName
savecore -c
savecore -d DirectoryName SystemName
savecore -d -F DirectoryName
The sysdumpdev command, sysdumpstart command.