Processes certificate requests and generates certificates.
smsigncert dir { -a | -s server_name} [ -e mm/dd/yyyy]
The smsigncert command can be run on a machine that has been defined as internal certificate authority (CA). The command uses the CA private key to process certificate requests (*.certreq files) and generate certificates (*.cert files). You can process the request of one server, or all server requests in the specified directory dir.
You can use Web-based System Manager (wsm) command to access the graphical interface.
smsigncert /usr/websm/security/tmp S101.IBM.COM -e 12/31/1999 smsigncert /usr/websm/security/tmp -a
/usr/websm/security/SMCa.log | Lists detailed information on all operations executed by the CA. |
The smcaprop, smdefca, smexpcacert, smlistcerts, and the smundefca command.
For information on installing the Web-based System Manager, see Chapter 2: Installation and System Requirements in AIX 5L Version 5.1 Web-based System Manager Administration Guide.