Using Path Finder


Use Path Finder in Interactive Mode:
Select a simulation object, then click Path Finder. Select the required settings in the dialog box. Click the Apply button, and modify settings if necessary. When done, click OK.
Write a Path Finder Macro:
Select Tools>Macro>Start Recording command, then click the Start button to begin recording the automatic path finding macro. When this is complete, select the Stop button in the Stop Recording dialog box, or select the Tools>Macro>Stop Recording command. Your macro is now ready for replay.
Publish Path Finder Reports:
Select Tools > Publish > Start Publish from the menu bar. Identify the path where you want to save the report as well as the report name, and then click Save in the Select Publish File dialog box. Use Path Finder as required; when done, select Tools > Publish > Stop Publish.
More About Path Finder:
Provides examples and explanations about Path Finder .
About Path Finder and Smooth Operations:
Provides additional information about how to use Path Finder  to smooth operations.
About Path Finder Messages
Provides information about messages Path Finder outputs.