About Path Finder and Smooth Operations

The example below aims at explaining the path finder and smooth operations with respect to a chosen sampling step
Path Finder operation

Smooth operations:
We do not guarantee other sampling steps values (translation step). See other examples below:

Please refer to How to adjust the player...

If you want to  play your smoothed track, click Player , and select the track of interest in the specification tree
The Player is active. From the list, select the parameter that enables you to replay your track with respect to:
  • time (in seconds),
    The default speed is 0.001m_s (see: Customizing DMU Fitting). Therefore,if step =1s the motion corresponds to 1 mm.
  • shot parameter or,
  • path finder or smooth specifications if previously defined (this is the case in our example)


Selecting the Path Finder parameter in the list swaps to the right interpolation (spatial-based interpolation, smooth specification). Of course, you can choose to keep the default parameter (time in seconds), but in this case, note the consistency between the smooth specification and the way it is played are not guaranteed.