Navigating, Editing, Moving & Deleting
Electrical Components

This section describes a number of other operations you can perform in the EFD workbench.

I_2DPreview.gif (481 bytes) Generate a graphical preview: Click the 2D Preview icon.
I_Find.gif (929 bytes) Find components: Click the Find icon, enter a string in the Find dialog box and click Find Next.
Jump to connected objects: Right-click a component and select Go to..., select a connected object then click Go to the selected object.
I_Properties2.gif (199 bytes) Edit attributes in the properties view: Select a component and click the Properties icon, then make desired changes in the properties view and click OK.
Edit attributes in the BOM view: Select the parent component and click the appropriate component icon, then make desired changes in the BOM view and click OK.
Edit component properties: Right-click a component and select Properties.
I_SignalEndpoint.gif (673 bytes) Browse signal end point attributes: Select a signal and click the Signal End Point icon.
I_Cut.gif (916 bytes) Move components using cut & paste: Select a component, click the Cut icon, then select the target parent component and click the Paste icon.
I_Delete.gif (901 bytes) Delete components: Select a component and click the Delete icon.