
Initializing a Conference Infrastructure
Initializing a Conference on UNIX using the Backbone Driver As Backbone Manager, launch the backbone daemon on node1: "CATSysDemon -dm domain.lst -timeout 3000". Launch the Backbone daemon on both node2 and node3 as follows: "export CATBBDomainManager=node1 CATSysDemon -timeout 3000". Once initialized, all users must select the Backbone driver option using: Tools-> Options -> General -> General. In the Conferencing area, check the Backbone option.
Initializing a Conference on Windows using the Backbone Driver As Backbone Manager, launch the backbone daemon on node1: "CATSysDemon -dm domain.lst -timeout 3000". Launch the Backbone daemon on both node2 and node3 as follows: "export CATBBDomainManager=node1 CATSysDemon -timeout 3000". Once initialized, all users must select the Backbone driver option using: Tools-> Options -> General -> General. In the Conferencing area, check the Backbone option.
Initializing a Conference on Windows using the NetMeeting Driver All users must select the NetMeeting driver option using: Tools-> Options-> General -> General. In the Conferencing area, check the NetMeeting option.
  Organizing a Conference
Launching a Conference as Host In the menu bar, select the Tools->Conferencing->Host
Joining a Conference as Guest In the menu bar, select the Tools->Conferencing->Guest
  Working in a Conference
Leading the Visual Conference
Sharing Documents
Transferring Files
Sending Messages to other Conference Participants
Customizing Conference Options
Consulting Conference History
Leaving a Conference