Sharing Documents with other Conference Members

atarget.gif (1372 bytes) The Document page enables you to manage data sharing. It indicates the documents which are opened in the host member session.
  Access permissions:  Each conference member wants to share some of his components  with some of the other members, but perhaps not with all of them. For this reason, he must be able to  define access permissions (visible or invisible) per component and per conference  member. In practice, the shared document (often called the "Root product") belongs to the Host member, who calls the Guest members and chooses "who sees what". Guest members will receive only those files they are allowed to see.

Component insertion: Afterwards, each member can add his own components in the shared document, having previously determined the permissions of other participants.

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Host -> Guest

  • The host decides to hide, show or share his/her opened documents
  • Guests receive information about the host protected or public documents
  • Guest can download shared documents from the host session

Guest -> Host

  • Every member decides to hide, show or share his/her opened documents
  • The host receives information about Guests' protected (shown) or public (shared) documents
  • The host can download shared documents form the guests' sessions


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Sharing Documents

At the bottom of the Document page, the upper line is meant to read as a sentence indicating your intention with regards to document sharing, e.g. "Set selected components visible for Jean Dupont".

  1. Click Set selected components combo-selection button and select the desired mode from the proposed list.

  2. Click the for combo-selection button and select the intended recipient of the share action from the proposed list.

  3. Click the Share button.
    The selected documents will now change to status Visible for the indicated recipients.




Loading Shared Documents

At the bottom of the Document page, the lower line is meant to read as a sentence indicating your intention with regards to document loading, e.g. "Set selected components to load".

  1. Click Set selected components combo-selection button and select the desired mode from the proposed list.

  2. Click the Load button.
    The selected documents change to status Loaded and are inserted into the participant's DMU session.


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Document visibility modes

  • Invisible: the local documents are in a hidden state for the other participants
  • Visible: the documents can be downloaded by the other participants. If download is requested (Load selected components), both the document and its representation are downloaded.

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