AIX Documentation: Commands:
Resource Management

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Categorical List of Commands
System Management
Resource Management
addrpnode Adds one or more nodes to a peer domain definition.
attachrset Attaches an rset to a process.
chargefee Charges end users for the computer resources they use.
chcomg Changes a previously-defined communication group for a peer domain.
chcondition Changes any of the attributes of a defined condition.
chresponse Adds or deletes the actions of a response or renames a response.
chrsrc Changes the persistent property values of a resource or resource class.
chsensor Changes the properties of a resource monitoring and control (RMC) sensor.
ctcasd Provides and authenticates UNIX-identity-based credentials for the cluster security services.
cthactrl Controls subsystems within a cluster.
cthagsctrl Controls the group services subsystem.
cthagstune Changes the group services subsystem tunable parameters at run time.
cthatsctrl Controls the topology services subsystem.
cthatstune Changes the topology services subsystem tunable parameters at run time.
ctmsskf Displays and manages the contents of a message security services (MSS) key file.
ctsidmck Verifies the cluster security library identity mapping.
ctskeygen Generates cluster security services private and public keys for the local system and stores these keys in locally-mounted files.
ctsnap Gathers configuration, log, and trace information about the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) components.
ctsthl Displays and modifies the contents of a cluster security services trusted host list file.
detachrset Detaches an rset from a process.
drmgr The drmgr command can be used to install and configure dynamic logical partitioning (DLPAR) scripts.
elogevent Logs event information generated by the event response resource manager (ERRM) to a specified log file.
emsvcsctrl Starts the event management subsystem.
enotifyevent Mails event information generated by the event response resource manager (ERRM) to a specified user ID.
ewallevent Broadcasts an event or a rearm event to all users who are logged in.
execrset Runs a program or command attached to an rset.
fccheck Performs basic problem determination on the First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) utilities.
fcclear Removes FFDC Error Stacks and detail data files from the local node.
fcdecode Translates a First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) Failure Identifier from its standard form into its component parts, displaying this information to the standard output device in human readable format.
fcdispfid Displays the First Failure Data Capture Failure Identifier (FFDC Failure Identifier) to the standard error device.
fcfilter Locates and displays any First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) Failure Identifiers in a file or in standard input. More than one file may be specified.
fcinit Establishes or inherits a First Failure Data Capture execution environment.
fclogerr Records information about failure or noteworthy conditions to the AIX error log and the BSD system log.
fcpushstk Records information about failure or noteworthy conditions to the First Failure Data Capture Error Stack.
fcreport Locates and displays the report of a failure and any failures associated with the failure.
fcstkrpt Displays the contents of an FFDC Error Stack file.
fcteststk Test for the presence of a First Failure Data Capture Error Stack environment
grpsvcsctrl Starts the group services subsystems.
haemcfg Compiles the Event Management objects in the System Data Repository (SDR) and places the compiled information into a binary Event Management Configuration Database (EMCDB) file
haemctrl Starts the Event Management subsystem.
haemd Observes resource variable instances that are updated by Resource Monitors and generates and reports events to client programs.
haemd_HACMP Start-up program for the Event Manager daemon.
haemd_SP Start-up program for the Event Manager daemon.
haemloadcfg Loads Event Management configuration data into the System Data Repository (SDR).
haemqvar Queries resource variables.
haemtrcoff Turns tracing off for the Event Manager daemon.
haemtrcon Turns tracing on for the event manager daemon.
haemunlkrm Unlocks and starts a resource monitor.
hagsctrl Starts the group services subsystems.
hagsd Observes resource variable instances that are updated by resource monitors and generates and reports events to client programs.
hagsns Gets group services name server information.
hagsvote Gets vote information for group services groups.
hatsoptions Controls topology services options on a node or a control workstation.
logevent Logs event information generated by the event response resource manager (ERRM) to a specified log file.
lsactdef Lists (displays) action definitions of a resource or resource class.
lsaudrec Lists records from the audit log.
lscomg Lists information about the communication groups of a peer domain.
lscondition Lists information about one or more conditions.
lscondresp Lists information about a condition and its linked responses, if any.
lsresponse Lists information about one or more responses.
lsrpdomain Lists peer domain information for the node.
lsrpnode Lists information about the nodes defined in a peer domain.
lsrset Displays system rset contents.
lsrsrc Lists (or displays) resources or a resource class.
lsrsrcdef Lists a resource or resource class definition.
lssensor Displays the event sensor commands that have been added to the resource monitoring and control (RMC) subsystem.
lssrc Gets the status of a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
mkcomg Creates a new communication group definition for a peer domain.
mkcondition Creates a new condition definition which can be monitored.
mkcondresp Creates a link between a condition and one or more responses.
mkresponse Creates a new response definition.
mkrpdomain Creates a new peer domain definition.
mkrset Makes an rset containing the specified CPUs and memory regions and places it in the system registry.
mkrsrc Defines a new resource.
mksensor Adds an event sensor command to the resource monitoring and control (RMC) subsystem.
nlssrc Gets the status of a subsystem or a group of subsystems in canonical form.
notifyevent Mails event information generated by the event response resource manager (ERRM) to a specified user ID.
preprpnode Prepares a node to be defined to a peer domain.
refrsrc Refreshes the resources within the specified resource class.
rmaudrec Removes records from the audit log.
rmcctrl Manages the resource monitoring and control (RMC) subsystem.
rmcomg Removes a communication group that has already been defined from a peer domain.
rmcondition Removes a condition.
rmcondresp Deletes the link between a condition and one or more responses.
rmresponse Removes a response.
rmrpdomain Removes a peer domain that has already been defined.
rmrpnode Removes one or more nodes from a peer domain definition.
rmrset Remove an rset from the system registry.
rmrsrc Removes a defined resource.
rmsensor Removes an event sensor command from the resource monitoring and control (RMC) subsystem.
snmpevent Sends ERRM events to an SNMP manager.
startcondresp Starts monitoring a condition that has one or more linked responses.
startrpdomain Brings a peer domain that has already been defined online.
startrpnode Brings one or more nodes online to a peer domain.
stopcondresp Stops monitoring a condition that has one or more linked responses.
stoprpdomain Brings an online peer domain offline.
stoprpnode Brings one or more nodes offline to a peer domain.
topsvcs Starts or restarts topology services on a cluster node.
topsvcsctrl Starts the topology services subsystem.
wallevent Broadcasts an event or a rearm event to all users who are logged in.