Brings one or more nodes online to a peer domain.
startrpnode [-h] [-TV] node_name1 [node_name2 ...]
The startrpnode command brings one or more offline nodes online to a peer domain. The peer domain is determined by the online peer domain of where the command is run. The command must be run from a node that is online to the desired peer domain.
The node being brought online must already have been defined to be in this peer domain using the mkrpdomain or addrpnode command. The node must not be online to any other peer domain.
The user of the startrpnode command needs write permission for the IBM.PeerNode resource class on each node that is to be started in the peer domain. By default, root on any node in the peer domain has read and write access to this resource class through the configuration resource manager.
This command must be run from a node that is online to the peer domain. The node that is to be brought online must be offline to the peer domain, must not be online to any other peer domain, and must be reachable from where the command is run.
When the -f "-" flag is specified, this command reads one or more node names from standard input.
When the -h flag is specified, this command's usage statement is written to standard output. All verbose messages are written to standard output.
All trace messages are written to standard error.
In this example, nodeA is defined and online to ApplDomain, nodeB is reachable from nodeA, and nodeB is not online to ApplDomain or any other peer domain. To bring nodeB online to ApplDomain, run this command from nodeA:
startrpnode nodeB
The /etc/services file is modified.
Commands: addrpnode, lsrpnode, preprpnode, rmrpnode, stoprpnode