Removes a communication group that has already been defined from a peer domain.
rmcomg [-q] [-h] [-TV] communication_group
The rmcomg command removes the definition of the existing communication group with the name specified by the communication_group parameter for the online peer domain. The communication group is used to define heartbeat rings for use by topology services and to define the tunables for each heartbeat ring. The communication group determines which devices are used for heartbeating in the peer domain.
The rmcomg command must be run on a node that is currently online in the peer domain where the communication group is defined. The communication group must not be referred to by an interface resource. Use the chcomg command to remove references by interface resources to a communication group.
The user of the rmcomg command needs write permission for the IBM.CommunicationGroup resource class. By default, root on any node in the peer domain has read and write access to this resource class through the configuration resource manager.
This command must be run on a node that is defined and online to the peer domain where the communication group is to be removed.
When the -f "-" flag is specified, this command reads one or more node names from standard input.
When the -h flag is specified, this command's usage statement is written to standard output. All verbose messages are written to standard output.
All trace messages are written to standard error.
In this example, nodeA is defined and online to ApplDomain. To remove the communication group definition ComGrp1 for the peer domain ApplDomain, run this command on nodeA:
rmcomg ComGrp1
The access control list (ACL) file /var/ct/cfg/ctrmc.acls is modified. If this file does not exist, it is created.
Commands: chcomg, lscomg, lsrpdomain, lsrpnode, mkcomg, preprpnode