Macro Parameters

  With the exception of the Roughing, that offers only the Build by user graphic mode for pre-and post-macros in addition to automatic macros, and Isoparametric Machining operations, you are offered three different methods to add macros:
  • the catalog method, by using macros already built and stored in a catalog. For more information on how to save or load an existing macro, please refer to Build and use a macros catalog.
  • the graphic method, by using the macros proposed by the application. It is a quick method, that does not require the definition of the parameters. However, you can double-click the representation of the macro, or use its contextual menu, to tune up the parameters.
  • the numeric method, by defining the macros parameters.

The numeric method corresponds roughly to the method offered in the previous releases.

Click to switch from the graphic mode to the numeric mode.

PP Words can be inserted. Please see Defining Macros for more information.


Dialog box in the graphic method

Dialog box in the graphic method, using the Build by user macros

Dialog box in the numeric mode

  With the cursor in the viewer window of the dialog box, you can zoom in and out and pan the paths.
Place your cursor on a portion of the macro path. Right click to display the contextual menu.
  • Delete and Insert are available for the Build by user macros.

  • The parameters dialog box can also be launched by double-clicking a portion of the path in the viewer.

  • You can also double-click a label in the viewer. This will start the Edit dialog box of the corresponding parameter.

The graph displayed in the viewer of the dialog box is a generic representation of a macro mode.
It is not the true representation of the macro you are using or defining. To check the result of you settings, press Replay.
  For each operation, you can define the following macros:
  • Approach,
  • Retract,
  • Linking Retract,
  • Linking Approach,
  • Clearance,
  • Between passes (not available for Spiral Milling, Pencil),
  • Between passes Link (not available for Spiral Milling, Pencil, ZLevel).
Note that Between Passes has been split into Between passes and Between passes Link.
Between passes Link
corresponds to the highlighted portion of the path below:
  The macros are listed as follows:
  • In the Macro column, you find the type of the macro,
  • In the Name column, you find the name of the macro,
  • In the Mode column, you find the machining mode of the macro.

By default, the application has affected a machining mode to each macro:

To affect another machining mode to a macro, select the macro line in the Macro Management frame,
then select a machining mode in the Mode list.

Here are the available modes:

For Approach, Retract, Between passes:

For Linking Retract, Linking Approach:

For Clearance:

For Between passes Link (not available for Pencil):

Note that the Circular macro corresponds to the former one, with an automatic definition of the plane,
while Add circular within a plane motion correspond to the former one, with a manual definition of the plane.

To avoid inconsistencies, ZLevel operations offer only the relevant macros:

  • Approach,
  • Retract,
  • Linking Retract,
  • Linking Approach,
  • Clearance,
  • Between passes,

and their associated machining modes:

For the same reason, the items of the contextual menu may be limited to the relevant ones.

  • If the defined motion does not belong to the Z plane, the normal projection of the motion is taken into account.
  • For To a point, if the point is defined inside the material, the tool path cannot be computed, an error message is displayed.
  • In the Defined by Approach/Retract mode, the between pass motion is replaced by a linking retract motion and a linking approach motion.



Graphic mode

Double-click a macro path or a geometry element to modify the macro path or the geometry.

Double-click a parameter label to display the edition dialog box to modify the value of this parameter only (since those dialog boxes are standard edition boxes, they are not shown below).

Information specific to the graphic mode are displayed on this background color.

Numeric mode

Type the required value in the field.

Use the interrogation mark to launch the graphic help.

Information specific to the numeric mode are displayed on this background color.

  Along tool axis:

The tool moves along the tool axis for a given Axial motion Distance,


Double-click the violet line to edit the Axial motion,

Type the Axial motion Distance value.

For ZLevel operations only:

If you set the Between passes mode to Along tool axis and the Clearance mode to Optimized, the tool will move in the current plane, as far as possible, and not rise along the tool axis.

This tool path will consist of:

  • a motion in retract speed,
  • then a motion in high speed,
  • then an approach motion.

This motion is collision free and does not take the Distance parameter of the optimized clearance into account.

If you want to ignore the optimized clearance in the Between passes, set the Between passes mode to Defined by Linking Approach/Retract.

  Along a vector

The tool moves along a vector (line motion) for a given Distance,


Double-click the green line to edit the direction.|

Double-click the violet line to edit the Distance along the line motion,

Type the Distance value.
Click Direction to edit the vector direction.



The tool moves in a direction perpendicular to the surface being machined (Perpendicular motion), for a given Distance,


Double-click the violet line to edit the distance in the Perpendicular motion,

Type the Perpendicular motion Distance.

  Tangent to movement

The tool motion is tangent at its end to the rest of the toolpath and is of a given Distance, with a vertical angle and a horizontal angle.



  • vertical angle

  • horizontal angle




Double-click the violet line to edit the Distance and the Vertical angle and Horizontal angle.

Type the Distance and the Vertical angle and Horizontal angle.



No approach nor retract macro is applied.

Note that when this macro is selected on Approach or Retract, no Link to Safety Plane is added, as shown below.

If you require a Link to Safety Plane, select Along tool axis with an axial motion Distance value equal to 0 mm. This is what you will get:

(This is not available with an isoparametric machining operation.)


The tool doubles back like an arrow above the cutting tool path (Back motion). You can either define this type with a Distance and a Height.

  • Distance
  • Height
Double-click the violet line to edit the Distance and the Height

Type the Distance and the Height
When you type a Distance higher than the cutting tool path to which the macro refers, a tool path Along Tool Axis is added, its length being equal to the difference between Distance and the length of the cutting tool path.

The tool moves towards/away from the part in an arc (Circular motion). The parameters that you can set are:

If you do not use Part autolimit, the curve will be below the surface of the part. 

  • Angular sector

  • Angular orientation

  • Radius


Double-click the arc (yellow line) to edit the Circular motion:

Double-click the violet line to edit the Axial motion Distance.

Type the Angular sector, the Angular orientation, the Radius and the Axial motion Distance.


  • Note that the Circular macro can automatically modify the Angular orientation defined by user to avoid collisions.
  • If collisions cannot be avoided, then the Prolonged Movement Macro replaces the Circular macro.
  • For ZLevel, the Angular sector cannot exceed 180 degrees.

The tool follows a slope defined by the ramping angle.
The parameters to define are the Axial motion Distance and the Ramping angle.


Double-click the violet line to edit the Axial motion Distance:

Double-click the yellow line to define the Ramping angle:

Type the Ramping angle and the Axial motion Distance.

  Circular or ramping

The tool uses either circular or ramping mode depending on whichever is best adapted to the part being machined.

The Circular or ramping motion is defined by

  • Angle

  • Radius

  • Ramping angle

  The Prolonged motion is defined by:
  • Length
  • Angle
Double-click the orange line to edit the Axial motion Distance

Double-click the inclined yellow line to edit the Prolonged motion:

Double-click the arc to edit the Circular or ramping motion:

Type the Angle, Radius and Ramping angle for the Circular or ramping motion,
the Length and Angle for the Prolonged motion and the Axial motion Distance.

For ZLevel, the Angular sector cannot exceed 180 degrees.

The tool moves across the diagonal of an imaginary box (Box motion), either in a straight line or in a curve (Linking mode). 

The Box motion is defined by:

The Axial motion Distance is the distance that the tool will move in once it has crossed the box.

  • Distance along the tangent
  • Distance along the tool axis
  • Distance along the normal axis
Double-click the violet line to edit the Axial motion Distance:

Double-click the arc (yellow line) to edit the Box motion:

Type the values of the Distance/tangent, Distance/tool axis, Distance/normal axis, and of the Axial motion Distance.
Choose from the list which side of the normal axis will determine the direction of the diagonal of the box.
Select a Linking mode (Curved or Straight).
  Prolonged movement

The tool moves in a straight line that may slant upwards.

The Prolonged motion is defined by:

  • the Distance,
  • the Vertical angle,
  • the Horizontal angle,

The Axial motion is defined by the Distance.

The advantage of this mode is that collisions are automatically detected. In the event that a possible collision is detected, the angle will be adjusted to avoid collision. If the angle cannot be adjusted (because of the shape of the part, for instance), the length of the prolongation will be automatically adjusted to avoid collision.

  • Tangent motion Distance
  • Tangent motion Vertical angle,
  • Axial motion Distance
Double-Click the violet line to edit the Axial motion Distance

Double-click the yellow line to edit the Tangent motion:

Type the Distance, the Vertical angle, the Horizontal angle and the Axial motion Distance.

  High speed milling  

The parameters are:

  • Axial motion Distance,
  • Transition radius is the radius of the arc that goes to the pass
  • Discretization angle is a value which, when reduced, gives a smoother tool path.
  • HSM motion Radius

  • HSM motion Discretization angle


Double-click the violet line to edit the Axial motion Distance:

Double-click the green arc to edit the High Speed Milling motion

Type the Radius and the Discretization angle defining the High Speed Milling motion, and the Axial motion Distance.
  Defined by Approach/Retract, Defined by Approach

The macro used for the Linking Retract, Linking Approach or Between passes Link is that used for the Approach or the Retract.

Build by user (available in graphic mode only - see the Sweeping User Task for more information on the operating mode)
Predefined macros are proposed through the following icons. You can create a machining path by adding several predefined macros. The current one is colored violet.
If necessary, you can double-click the line representing the macro to edit its parameter, or the associated geometry representation to edit this geometry.
Icon Representation Name Available dialog boxes

Add Tangent motion

Add Horizontal motion

Add Axial motion

Add Circular motion

see also Circular

See Defining Macros Add PP word list  

Add distance along a line motion

See also Along a vector



Note that in ZLevel, this macro can be created alone of with Add axial motion only.

Add normal motion

See also Normal

Add back motion

See also Back

Add circular within a plane motion

Add box motion

See also Box

Add prolonged motion

see also Prolonged movement

Add high speed milling motion

See also High speed milling

Add motion to a point

Available in ZLevel - build by user mode.

Click the point on the icon, the dialog box disappears.

Select a point in the graphic area.

Note that this macro can be created alone of with Add axial motion only.

  Keep machining feedrate Applies the machining feedrate to all the macro paths.
  Remove all motions  
  Delete selection motion  

This means that if no obstacle is detected between two passes, the tool will not rise to the safety plane (because it is not necessary) and the operation will take less time. In some cases (where areas of the part are higher than the zone you are machining and when you are using a safety plane), the tool will cut into the part. When this happens, choose another clearance mode.

In both modes, you can only edit the Distance parameter by double-clicking the label.

Along tool axis

The tool moves up to the defined safety plane along the tool axis. If no safety plane is defined, the safety plane is the upper point of the part.

Perpendicular to safety plane

The tool moves up to the defined safety plane along an axis perpendicular to the safety plane. If no safety plane is defined, the safety plane is the upper point of the part.


The tool goes directly to the next path.