This task shows you how to build a macros
catalog from the sample catalog MACRO_Settings.catalog
delivered with the product in the folder\Startup\Manufacturing\Macros. You will then assign macros from the new catalog to a machining operation. |
Create a Profile Contouring operation as described in the Prismatic Machining User's Guide. | ||
1. | Double-click the Profile Contouring operation in the specification tree. | |
2. | Select the Macros tab page
in the
operation definition dialog box. The initial status of all the macros in
the Macro Management list is Inactive.
3. | Click Read macro from catalog
The Catalog Browser dialog box appears. If needed, navigate to
\Startup\Manufacturing\Macros\MACRO_Settings.catalog to make it
the current catalog.
4. | Double-click the Approach family. The AppSTD
macro is listed.
Double-click the AppSTD macro. The Macros tab page in the Profile Contouring dialog box is initialized with the AppSTD macro. |
5. | Edit the AppSTD macro as shown below and rename it Modified AppSTD. | |
6. | Click Save macro in catalog
The Save in Catalog dialog box appears. To create a new catalog, click
the [...] button and create a new catalog (MACRO_Settings_User.catalog
in \Startup\Manufacturing\Macros , for example)
7. | Repeat this procedure to create user macros in
MACRO_Settings_User.catalog for Retract and Return in a Level
macros. |
Please note that macro types such as Return in a Level,
Linking, Return between Levels, and Return to Finish Pass include both
approach and retract motions. The approach and retract motions of these
macro types can be similar (for example, a circular approach and a
circular retract) or different (for example, an axial approach and a
circular retract).
When this type of macro is read from a catalog, the entire macro entity comprising the approach and retract components is retrieved. |
8. | Double-click Pocketing to create a Pocketing operation, then select the Macros tab in the Pocketing dialog box. | |
9. | Click Read macro from catalog
The Catalog Browser dialog box appears. Navigate to
\Startup\Manufacturing\Macros\MACRO_Settings_User to make it the
current catalog.
10. | Double-click the Retract family. The Modified
RetSTD macro is listed.
Double-click Modified RetSTD. The Macros tab page in the Pocketing dialog box is initialized with the Modified RetSTD macro. Keep the Catalog Browser dialog box open and repeat this procedure to assign the Approach and Linking in a level macros to the Pocketing operation. |
11. | Click OK to update the Pocketing operation with the macros from the user-defined catalog. | |
To assign a catalog macro to an operation, you can:
Whenever a macro catalog is created, an associated CATProcess document with the same name is also created in the same folder. It contains data about macro features and so it must not be deleted. |