Editing Curve Joints - Introduction

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About Joint Modification:

It may prove useful to change a mechanism behavior or to improve its design. To do so, you need to modify joints specifications. Once you performed your modifications, the parts involved in the mechanism need to be reassembled.

For kinematics joints based on assembly constraints  (i.e. Revolute Joint, Spherical Joint, Cylindrical Joint,  Gear Joint, Rack Joint, Cable Joint, Screw Joint, Axis Joint), this capability is already available as you can modify the underlying constraints. You can now modify the curve joints specifications

Dealing with mechanisms which can be simulated:

you can edit point curve, roll curve, point surface  or slide curve joints definition, modifying their underlying geometric elements (point or curve). There are three procedures to perform such a modification:

  •  you keep the geometric element itself but you change its position. The mechanism can no longer be simulated:

    • click Update Positions . The parts involved in the joint are reassembled

    • simulate your mechanism using either the Simulation With laws or Simulation with Commands.
      The mechanism is updated

  • you keep the geometric element itself but you change its definition. The mechanism can no longer be simulated.

    • click Update Positions . The parts are reassembled, the mechanism can be simulated

    • simulate your mechanism using either the Simulation With laws or Simulation with Commands.
      The mechanism is updated

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Refer to Using the Update Command

  • You do not keep the geometric element, you change it by another one, using the joint definition command:

    • double-click the curve joint to be modified.

    • in the Edit dialog box displayed, select the curve/point box.

    • then, select a new curve/point in the geometry area and click Apply.

    • when done click OK.

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    You can select only one geometric element at a time.

Editing Point Curve Joints (modifying geometry position)
Editing Point Surface Joints (modifying joints definition)
Replacing Slide Curve Joint Specifications
Reconnecting Point Surface Joints After Geometry Modification