Creating Face-Face Fillets 

You generally use the Face-Face fillet command when there is no intersection between the faces or when there are more than two sharp edges between the faces.

This task shows how to create a basic face-face fillet then a face-face fillet using a hold curve.

Open the FaceFillet1.CATPart document.
  1. Click Face-Face Fillet  .
    The Face-Face Fillet Definition dialog box appears.

  2. Select the faces to be filleted.

  3. Enter a radius value in the Radius field if you are not satisfied with the default one. For example, enter 31mm.

  1. Click Preview to see the fillet to be created.

  1. Click More>> to access the Limiting element option.

Limiting Element

  1. Click the Limiting element field and select Plane.1 as the trimming plane.
    An arrow appears on the plane to indicate the portion of material that will be kept.

  2. As you wish to keep the opposite portion of material, click this arrow to reverse direction.

  • Contextual commands creating the limiting elements you need are now available from the Limiting element field:
    • Create Plane: see Creating Planes
    • XY Plane: the XY plane of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the limiting element.
    • YZ Plane: the YZ plane of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the limiting element.
    • ZX Plane: the ZX plane of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the limiting element.
    If you create any of these elements, the application then displays the corresponding icon in front of the Limiting element field. Clicking this icon enables you to edit the element.
  1. Click OK.
    The faces are filleted. The fillet is trimmed by Plane.1. This creation is indicated in the specification tree.

You can select the Conic parameter check box. This check box allows you to vary the section of the fillet.
For a parameter comprised between or equal to:
  • 0.5, the resulting curve is a parabola.
  • 0 < parameter < 0.5, the resulting curve is an arc of an ellipse.
  • 0.5 < parameter < 1, the resulting curve is a hyperbola.
  • If the conic mode is activated, the Edge(s) to keep, Hold curve and Spine fields cannot be selected.
  • Conical fillets do not handle twist configurations. If a twist is detected, the fillet
    operation fails.
  • If the fillet surface curvature is lower than the support curvature, fillet surface
    relimitation may fail. In such cases, the conic parameter has to be decreased.

Interrupting Fillet Computations

In case you made a mistake when defining a fillet (wrong radius value for example), you can interrupt the feature computation launched after clicking OK, provided that the computation requires at least 5 seconds to perform.
When a computation exceeds 5 seconds, a progress bar appears and provides a Cancel option. To interrupt the operation, just click that Cancel button. This interrupts the process and then displays an Update Diagnosis dialog box enabling you to edit, deactivate, isolate or even delete the feature.

This capability is available for any types of fillet features you are creating or editing.

Hold Curve

Instead of entering a radius value, you can use a "hold curve" to compute the fillet. Depending on the curve's shape, the fillet's radius value is then more or less variable.

Open the FaceFillet2.CATPart document.

The Generative Shape Design product license is required to access this capability. 

  1. Prior to performing this task, ensure that Body.1 is set as the current object (to do so, use the Define in work object command). Click Face-Face Fillet . Select both faces as shown then expand the dialog box to access further options.

  2. Select Join.2 as the hold curve. The curve must be sketched on one of the selected faces.



  1. Select Sketch.1 as the spine. The spine provides a better control of the fillet.
    The spine can be a wireframe element or a Sketcher element.
    To compute the fillet, the application uses circles contained in planes normal to the spine. It is then possible to control the shape of the fillet.

  • Contextual commands creating the spines you need are available from the Spine field:
    • Create Line: For more information, see Creating Lines
    • Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. See Joining Surfaces or Curves.
    • Create Boundary: see Creating Boundary Curves.
    • Create Extract: see Extracting Geometry.
    • X Axis: the X axis of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the direction.
    • Y Axis: the Y axis of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the direction.
    • Z Axis: the Z axis of the current coordinate system origin (0,0,0) becomes the direction.

    If you create any of these elements, the application then displays the corresponding icon in front of the Spine field. Clicking this icon enables you to edit the element.

  1. Preview the fillet.

  2. Repeat the operation and select Copy of Sketch.3 as the spine.
    The fillet has a different shape.

Maximum length of the fillet surface is limited by the extents of the input spine curve.


Edge(s) to keep

You can specify the edge(s) of support body to be kept and create Fillet Surfaces with Hold Curve and Keep Edge as support wherever necessary. This helps in two different situations:

  • Initializing the fillet ribbon when no portion of ribbon track lies within the limits of the provided support face.

  • Computing the fillet surface(s) with keep edges as supports, whenever the default fillet ribbon track crosses the edge(s) to be kept.

Edge(s) to keep field is defined in the Face-Face Fillet Definition dialog box which is not selectable by default. If a hold curve is selected, the Edge(s) to keep field becomes selectable. As soon as an edge to be kept is selected, it turns purple.

This option is available only if a Cast & Forged Part Optimizer license is used.

  • It is possible to perform Thickness, Shell, Boolean operations on the resulting fillet surface.

  • It is possible to specify limiting element.

  • Keep Edges of type “Round Corner” is not supported.

  • The Keep edges should be specified explicitly.

  • The fillet ribbon has zero radius at the points where the Keep edge(s) intersects the Hold Curve. There can be maximum two such points in a fillet ribbon i.e. one at each end of the fillet ribbon.

  • Fillet operation may fail in cases where keep edge intersects the support face of Hold Curve.

  • Keep edges cannot be border edges.

  • The keep edges should be sharp.

  • Fillet operation fails if twists are encountered.