Creating, Opening, and Saving Documents

About Data Sharing Between Windows and UNIX
About Filenames
Creating New Documents
Creating a New Document from an Existing One
Opening Existing Documents
Opening Existing Documents Using the Browse Window
Opening Most Recently Used Objects
Closing Documents
Saving Documents For the First Time or Under Another Name
Saving Existing Documents
Saving Documents In Other Formats
Saving All Documents
Managing Document Save
Displaying Document Properties
Using the Version 5 Compatibility Batch

The last path you specify in dialog boxes that let you select files or directories (such as File Selection, Save As or Send To Directory) is stored in preference files (which are identified by the suffix *.CATPreferences, and are created in the same location as settings, referenced by the CATUserSettingPath variable). This means that the last selected path is kept from one session to another and next time you access the dialog box, this path will be the default.
Regarding the Save As dialog box, note that this only applies to the save of new documents. When you save existing documents, the dialog box displays the path of the document and not the last selected path.