Cavities RoughingCavities Roughing proposes a process-focused solution to machine Cavity Parts dedicated to Mechanical and Aerospace industries:
Create a Cavities Roughing operation: Select the Cavities Roughing icon, choose the area to machine and specify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters, feedrates and spindle speeds. |
The tasks for creating the following 3-axis milling operations are documented in the 3-Axis Surface Machining User's Guide.
Rough Machining the Part |
Create a Sweep Roughing operation: Select the Sweep Roughing icon, choose the part to machine and specify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters, feedrates and spindle speeds. | |
Create a Roughing operation: Select the Roughing icon, choose the part to machine and specify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters, feedrates and spindle speeds. | |
Create a Plunge Milling Operation: Select the Plunge Milling icon then select the geometry to be machined and specify the tool to be used. Specify machining parameters and feeds and speeds as needed. |
Semi-Finish the Part |
Create a Sweeping operation: Select the Sweeping icon, choose the part to machine and specify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters, feedrates and spindle speeds. | |
Create a ZLevel machining operation: Select the Z-Level icon, choose the part to machine and specify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters, feedrates and spindle speeds. | |
Create a Contour-driven machining operation: Select the Contour Driven icon, choose the part to machine and specify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters, feedrates and spindle speeds. | |
Create a Spiral Milling operation: Select the Spiral Milling icon, choose the part to machine and specify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters, feedrates and spindle speeds. | |
Create a Isoparametric machining operation: Select the Isoparametric Machining icon, choose the part to machine and specify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters, feedrates and spindle speeds. |
Rework Areas of the PartYou can use the following operation to rework an area on a part where there is residual material. Before using this operation, compute the areas that you want to rework. |
Create a Pencil operation: Select the Pencil icon, choose the area to rework and specify the tool to be used. You can also specify machining parameters, feedrates and spindle speeds. |