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Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1

conj, conjf, or conjl Subroutine


Computes the complex conjugate.


#include <complex.h>

double complex conj (z)
double complex z;

float complex conjf (z)
float complex z;

long double complex conjl (z)
long double complex z;


The conj, conjf, or conjl subroutines compute the complex conjugate of z, by reversing the sign of its imaginary part.


z Specifies the value to be computed.

Return Values

The conj, conjf, or conjl subroutines return the complex conjugate value.

Related Information

The carg, cargf, or cargl Subroutine, cimag, cimagf, or cimagl Subroutine, cproj, cprojf, or cprojl Subroutine, creal, crealf, or creall Subroutine.

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