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Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1

cimag, cimagf, or cimagl Subroutine


Performs complex imaginary computations.


#include <complex.h>

double cimag (z)
double complex z;

float cimagf (z)
float complex z;

long double cimagl (z)
long double complex z;


The cimag, cimagf, and cimagl subroutines compute the imaginary part of z.


z Specifies the value to be computed.

Return Values

The cimag, cimagf, and cimagl subroutines return the imaginary part value (as a real).

Related Information

carg, cargf, or cargl Subroutine, conj, conjf, or conjl Subroutine, cproj, cprojf, or cprojl Subroutine, and creal, crealf, or creall Subroutine.

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