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Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts

Memory Kernel Services

The Memory kernel services provide kernel extensions with the ability to:

The following information is provided to assist you in learning more about memory kernel services:

Memory Management Kernel Services

The Memory Management services are:

init_heap Initializes a new heap to be used with kernel memory management services.
xmalloc Allocates memory.
xmfree Frees allocated memory.

Memory Pinning Kernel Services

The Memory Pinning services are:

ltpin Pins the address range in the system (kernel) space and frees the page space for the associated pages.
ltunpin Unpins the address range in system (kernel) address space and reallocates paging space for the specified region.
pin Pins the address range in the system (kernel) space.
pincode Pins the code and data associated with a loaded object module.
pinu Pins the specified address range in user or system memory.
unpin Unpins the address range in system (kernel) address space.
unpincode Unpins the code and data associated with a loaded object module.
unpinu Unpins the specified address range in user or system memory.
xmempin Pins the specified address range in user or system memory, given a valid cross-memory descriptor.
xmemunpin Unpins the specified address range in user or system memory, given a valid cross-memory descriptor.
pinu and unpinu are only available on the 32-bit kernel. Because of this limitation, it is recommended that xmempin and xmemunpin be used in place of pinu and unpinu.

User-Memory-Access Kernel Services

In a system call or kernel extension running under a user process, data in the user process can be moved in or out of the kernel using the copyin and copyout services. The uiomove service is used for scatter and gather operations. If user data is to be referenced asynchronously, such as from an interrupt handler or a kernel process, the cross memory services must be used.

The User-Memory-Access kernel services are:

copyin, copyin64 Copies data between user and kernel memory.
copyinstr, copyinstr64 Copies a character string (including the terminating null character) from user to kernel space.
copyout, copyout64 Copies data between user and kernel memory.
fubyte, fubyte64 Fetches, or retrieves, a byte of data from user memory.
fuword, fuword64 Fetches, or retrieves, a word of data from user memory.
subyte, subyte64 Stores a byte of data in user memory.
suword, suword64 Stores a word of data in user memory.
uiomove Moves a block of data between kernel space and a space defined by a uio structure.
ureadc Writes a character to a buffer described by a uio structure.
uwritec Retrieves a character from a buffer described by a uio structure.
The copyin64, copyout64, copyinstr64, fubyte64, fuword64, subyte64, and suword64 kernel services are defined as macros when compiling kernel extensions on the 64-bit kernel. The macros invoke the corresponding kernel services without the "64" suffix.

Virtual Memory Management Kernel Services

These services are described in more detail in Understanding Virtual Memory Manager Interfaces. The Virtual Memory Management services are:

as_att, as_att64 Selects, allocates, and maps a specified region in the current user address space.
as_det, as_det64 Unmaps and deallocates a region in the specified address space that was mapped with the as_att or as_att64 kernel service.
as_geth, as_geth64 Obtains a handle to the virtual memory object for the specified address given in the specified address space. The virtual memory object is protected.
as_getsrval, as_getsrval64 Obtains a handle to the virtual memory object for the specified address given in the specified address space.
as_puth as_puth64 Indicates that no more references will be made to a virtual memory object that was obtained using the as_geth or as_geth64 kernel service.
as_seth, as_seth64 Maps a specified region in the specified address space for the specified virtual memory object.
getadsp Obtains a pointer to the current process's address space structure for use with the as_att and as_det kernel services.
io_att Selects, allocates, and maps a region in the current address space for I/O access.
io_det Unmaps and deallocates the region in the current address space at the given address.
vm_att Maps a specified virtual memory object to a region in the current address space.
vm_cflush Flushes the processor's cache for a specified address range.
vm_det Unmaps and deallocates the region in the current address space that contains a given address.
vm_galloc Allocates a region of global memory in the 64-bit kernel.
vm_gfree Frees a region of global memory in the kernel previously allocated with the vm_galloc kernel service.
vm_handle Constructs a virtual memory handle for mapping a virtual memory object with specified access level.
vm_makep Makes a page in client storage.
vm_mount Adds a file system to the paging device table.
vm_move Moves data between a virtual memory object and a buffer specified in the uio structure.
vm_protectp Sets the page protection key for a page range.
vm_qmodify Determines whether a mapped file has been changed.
vm_release Releases virtual memory resources for the specified address range.
vm_releasep Releases virtual memory resources for the specified page range.
vm_uiomove Moves data between a virtual memory object and a buffer specified in the uio structure.
vm_umount Removes a file system from the paging device table.
vm_vmid Converts a virtual memory handle to a virtual memory object (id).
vm_write Initiates page-out for a page range in the address space.
vm_writep Initiates page-out for a page range in a virtual memory object.
vms_create Creates a virtual memory object of the type and size and limits specified.
vms_delete Deletes a virtual memory object.
vms_iowait Waits for the completion of all page-out operations for pages in the virtual memory object.
as_att, as_det, as_geth, as_getsrval, as_seth, getadsp, lo_att and lo_det are supported only on the 32-bit kernel.

Cross-Memory Kernel Services

The cross-memory services allow data to be moved between the kernel and an address space other than the current process address space. A data area within one region of an address space is attached by calling the xmattach or xmattach64 service. As a result, the virtual memory object cannot be deleted while data is being moved in or out of pages belonging to it. A cross-memory descriptor is filled out by the xmattach or xmattach64 service. The attach operation must be done while under a process. When the data movement is completed, the xmdetach service can be called. The detach operation can be done from an interrupt handler.

The xmemin service can be used to transfer data from an address space to kernel space. The xmemout service can be used to transfer data from kernel space to an address space. These routines may be called from interrupt handler level routines if the referenced buffers are in memory.

Cross-memory services provide the xmemdma or xmemdma64 service to prepare a page for DMA processing. The xmemdma or xmemdma64 service returns the real address of the page for use in preparing DMA address lists. When the DMA transfer is completed, the xmemdma or xmemdma64 service must be called again to unhide the page.

The xmemdma64 service is identical to xmemdma, except that xmemdma64 returns a 64-bit real address. The xmemdma64 service can be called from the process or interrupt environments. It is also present on 32-bit platform to allow a single device driver or kernel extension binary to work on 32-bit or 64-bit platforms with no change and no run-time checks.

Data movement by DMA or an interrupt handler requires that the pages remain in memory. This is ensured by pinning the data areas using the xmempin service. This can only be done under a process, because the memory pinning services page-fault on pages not present in memory.

The xmemunpin service unpins pinned pages. This can be done by an interrupt handler if the data area is the global kernel address space. It must be done under the process if the data area is in user process space.

The Cross-Memory services are:

xmattach, xmattach64 Attaches to a user buffer for cross-memory operations.
xmdetach Detaches from a user buffer used for cross-memory operations.
xmemin Performs a cross-memory move by copying data from the specified address space to kernel global memory.
xmemout Performs a cross-memory move by copying data from kernel global memory to a specified address space.
xmemdma Prepares a page for DMA I/O or processes a page after DMA I/O is complete.
xmemdma64 Prepares a page for DMA I/O or processes a page after DMA I/O is complete. Returns 64-bit real address.
xmattach, xmattach64 and xmemdma are supported only on the 32-bit kernel. xmemdma64 is supported on both the 32- and 64-bit kernels.

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