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Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems, Volume 1
as_seth Kernel Service
Maps a specified region in the specified address space
for the specified virtual memory object.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/vmuser.h>
#include <sys/adspace.h>
void as_seth (adspacep, vmhandle, addr)
adspace_t *adspacep;
vmhandle_t vmhandle;
caddr_t addr;
adspacep |
Points to the address space structure that defines the address space
where the region for the virtual memory object is to be allocated. The getadsp kernel service can obtain this pointer. |
vmhandle |
Describes the virtual memory object being made addressable within
a region of the specified address space. |
addr |
Specifies the virtual memory address which identifies the region
of the specified address space to allocate. On this system, the upper 4 bits
of this address are used to determine which region to allocate. |
The as_seth kernel service:
- Allocates the region within the address space
specified by the adspacep parameter and the addr parameter. Any virtual memory object previously mapped in this
region of the address space is unmapped.
- Maps the virtual memory object selected by
the vmhandle parameter with the access permission specified in the handle.
The as_seth kernel service should
only be used when it is necessary to map a virtual memory object at a fixed
address within an address space. The as_att kernel
service should be used when it is not absolutely necessary to map the virtual
memory object at a fixed address.
The as_seth kernel service is not supported
on the 64-bit kernel.
Execution Environment
The as_seth kernel service can
be called from the process environment only.
Return Values
The as_seth kernel service always
succeeds and returns nothing.
Related Information
The getadsp kernel service, as_att kernel service, vm_att kernel service, as_geth kernel service, and as_getsrval kernel service.
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