Obtains a handle to the virtual memory object for the specified address given in the specified address space.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/vmuser.h>
#include <sys/adspace.h>
vmhandle_t as_geth (Adspacep, Addr)
adspace_t *Adspacep;
caddr_t Addr;
The as_geth kernel service is used to obtain a handle to the virtual memory object corresponding to a virtual memory address in a particular address space. This handle can then be used with the as_att or vm_att kernel services to make the object addressable in another address space.
After the last use of the handle and after it is detached from all address spaces, the as_puth kernel service must be used to indicate this fact. Failure to call the as_puth kernel service may result in resources being permanently unavailable for reuse.
If the handle obtained refers to a virtual memory segment, then that segment is protected from deletion until the as_puth kernel service is called.
If for some reason it is known that the virtual memory object cannot be deleted, the as_getsrval kernel service may be used. This kernel service does not require that the as_puth kernel service be used. This service can also be called from the interrupt environment.
The as_geth kernel service can be called from the process environment only.
The as_geth kernel service always succeeds and returns the appropriate handle.
The getadsp kernel service, as_att kernel service, vm_att kernel service, as_puth kernel service, and as_getsrval kernel service.