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Assembler Language Reference

mfsr (Move from Segment Register) Instruction


Copies the contents of a segment register into a general-purpose register.


Bits Value
0-5 31
6-8 RT
11 /
12-14 SR
16-20 ///
21-30 595
31 /
mfsr RT, SR


The mfsr instruction copies the contents of segment register (SR) into target general-purpose register (GPR) RT.

The mfsr instruction has one syntax form and does not effect the Fixed-Point Exception Register. If the Record (Rc) bit is set to 1, Condition Register Field 0 is undefined.


RT Specifies the target general-purpose register where the result of the operation is stored.
SR Specifies the source segment register for the operation.


The following code copies the contents of Segment Register 7 into GPR 6:

# Assume that the source Segment Register is SR 7.
# Assume that GPR 6 is the target register.
mfsr 6,7
# GPR 6 now holds a copy of the contents of Segment Register 7.


The mfsr instruction is privileged only in the PowerPC architecture.

Related Information

The mfsri (Move from Segment Register Indirect) instruction, mtsr (Move to Segment Register) instruction, mtsrin or mtsri (Move to Segment Register Indirect) instruction.

Processing and Storage

Functional Differences for POWER family and PowerPC Instructions .

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