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Performance Management Guide

Analyzing NFS Performance

NFS gathers statistics on types of NFS operations performed, along with error information and performance indicators. You can use the following commands to identify network problems and observe the type of NFS operations taking place on your system.

The nfsstat Command

The nfsstat command displays statistical information about the NFS and the RPC interface to the kernel for clients and servers. This command could also be used to reinitialize the counters for these statistics (nfsstat -z). For performance issues, the RPC statistics (-r option) are the first place to look. The NFS statistics show you how the applications use NFS.

RPC Statistics

The nfsstat command displays statistical information about RPC calls, such as:

Starting with AIX 4.2.1, NFS Version 3 information is included. The NFS part of the nfsstat command output is divided into Version 2 and Version 3 statistics of NFS. The RPC part is divided into Connection oriented (TCP) and Connectionless (UDP) statistics.

NFS Server Information

The NFS server displays the number of NFS calls received (calls) and rejected (badcalls) due to authentication, as well as the counts and percentages for the various kinds of calls made.

The following example shows the server part of the nfsstat command output specified by the -s option, as follows:

# nfsstat -s
Server rpc:
Connection oriented:
calls     badcalls  nullrecv badlen    xdrcall  dupchecks dupreqs
15835      0          0          0          0          772        0
calls     badcalls  nullrecv badlen    xdrcall  dupchecks dupreqs
0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Server nfs:
calls      badcalls   public_v2  public_v3
15835      0          0          0
Version 2: (0 calls)
null       getattr    setattr    root       lookup     readlink   read
0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%
wrcache    write      create     remove     rename     link       symlink
0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%
mkdir      rmdir      readdir    statfs
0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%
Version 3: (15835 calls)
null       getattr    setattr    lookup     access     readlink   read
7 0%       3033 19%   55 0%      1008 6%    1542 9%    20 0%      9000 56%
write      create     mkdir      symlink    mknod      remove     rmdir
175 1%     185 1%     0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       120 0%     0 0%
rename     link       readdir    readdir+   fsstat     fsinfo     pathconf
87 0%      0 0%       1 0%       150 0%     348 2%     7 0%       0 0%
97 0%

RPC output for server (-s) is as follows:

Total number of RPC calls received from clients

Total number of calls rejected by the RPC layer

Number of times an RPC call was not available when it was thought to be received

Packets truncated or damaged (number of RPC calls with a length shorter than a minimum-sized RPC call)

Number of RPC calls whose header could not be External Data Representation (XDR) decoded

Number of RPC calls that looked up in the duplicate request cache

Number of duplicate RPC calls found

The output also displays a count of the various kinds of calls and their respective percentages.

Duplicate checks are performed for operations that cannot be performed twice with the same result. The classic example is the rm command. The first rm command will succeed, but if the reply is lost, the client will retransmit it. We want duplicate requests like these to succeed, so the duplicate cache is consulted, and if it is a duplicate request, the same (successful) result is returned on the duplicate request as was generated on the initial request.

By looking at the percentage of calls for different types of operations (such as getattr(), read(), write(), or readdir()), you can decide what type of tuning to use. For example, if the percentage of getattr() calls is very high, then tuning attribute caches may be advantageous. If the percentage of write() calls is very high, then disk and LVM tuning is important. If the percentage of read() calls is very high, then using more RAM for caching files could improve performance.

NFS Client Information

The NFS client displays the number of calls sent and rejected, as well as the number of times a client handle was received (clgets) and a count of the various kinds of calls and their respective percentages.

The following example shows the nfsstat output specified for clients using the -c option, as follows:

# nfsstat -c
Client rpc:
Connection oriented
calls     badcalls  badxids  timeouts  newcreds badverfs  timers
0          0          0          0          0          0          0
nomem     cantconn interrupts
0          0          0
calls     badcalls retrans   badxids   timeouts newcreds  badverfs
6553       0          0          0          0          0          0
timers    nomem     cantsend
0          0          0
Client nfs:
calls      badcalls   clgets     cltoomany
6541       0          0          0
Version 2: (6541 calls)
null       getattr    setattr    root       lookup     readlink   read
0 0%       590 9%     414 6%     0 0%       2308 35%   0 0%       0 0%
wrcache    write      create     remove     rename     link       symlink
0 0%       2482 37%   276 4%     277 4%     147 2%     0 0%       0 0%
mkdir      rmdir      readdir    statfs
6 0%       6 0%       30 0%      5 0%
Version 3: (0 calls)
null       getattr    setattr    lookup     access     readlink   read
0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%
write      create     mkdir      symlink    mknod      remove     rmdir
0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%
rename     link       readdir    readdir+   fsstat     fsinfo     pathconf
0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%       0 0%
0 0%

RPC output for the client (-c) is as follows:

Total number of RPC calls made to NFS.

Total number of calls rejected by the RPC layer.

Number of times a call had to be retransmitted due to a timeout while waiting for a reply from the server. This is applicable only to RPC over connection-less transports.

Number of times a reply from a server was received that did not correspond to any outstanding call. This means the server is taking too long to reply.

Number of times a call timed-out while waiting for a reply from the server.

Number of times authentication information had to be refreshed.

Number of times a call failed due to a bad verifier in the response.

Number of times the calculated timeout value was greater than or equal to the minimum specified timeout value for a call.

Number of times a call failed due to a failure to allocate memory.

Number of times a call failed due to a failure to make a connection to the server.

Number of times a call was interrupted by a signal before completing.

Number of times a send failed due to a failure to make a connection to the client.

The output also displays a count of the various kinds of calls and their respective percentages.

For performance monitoring, the nfsstat -c command provides information on whether the network is dropping UDP packets. A network may drop a packet if it cannot handle it. Dropped packets can be the result of the response time of the network hardware or software or an overloaded CPU on the server. Dropped packets are not actually lost, because a replacement request is issued for them.

The retrans column in the RPC section displays the number of times requests were retransmitted due to a timeout in waiting for a response. This situation is related to dropped UDP packets. If the retrans number consistently exceeds five percent of the total calls in column one, it indicates a problem with the server keeping up with demand. Use the vmstat, netpmon, and iostat commands on the server machine to check the load.

A high badxid count implies that requests are reaching the various NFS servers, but the servers are too loaded to send replies before the client's RPC calls time out and are retransmitted. The badxid value is incremented each time a duplicate reply is received for a transmitted request (an RPC request retains its XID through all transmission cycles). Excessive retransmissions place an additional strain on the server, further degrading response time. If badxid and timeouts are greater than five percent of the total calls, increase the timeo parameter of the NFS-mount options by using the smitty chnfsmnt command. If badxid is 0, but retrans and timeouts are sizable, attempt to decrease the NFS buffer size (that is, the rsize and wsize options of the mount command).

If the server is CPU-bound, NFS and its daemons are affected. To improve the situation, the server must be tuned or upgraded, or the user can localize the application files. If the server is I/O-bound, the server file systems can be reorganized, or localized files can be used.

If the number of retransmits and timeouts are close to the same value, it is certain that packets are being dropped. Packets are rarely dropped on the client. Usually, packets are dropped on either the network or on the server. The server could drop packets if it overflows its interface driver's transmit queue or if the server's User Datagram Protocol (UDP) socket buffer was overflown (nfs_socketsize). If there are no socket buffer overflows or Oerrs on the server, and the client is getting many retransmits and timeouts, packets are possibly being dropped on the network. Problems could occur in media and network devices, such as routers, bridges, or concentrators. Network sniffers and other tools can be used to debug such problems. See Dropped Packets for further discussion.

In some instances, an application or user experiences poor performance, yet examination of the nfsstat -c output indicates no or very few timeouts and retransmits. This means that the client is receiving responses from the server as fast as it is asking for them. The first thing to check is that there is an appropriate number of biod daemons running on the client machine. This can also be observed when an application is doing remote file locking. When remote file locks are set on a file served over NFS, the client goes into a fully synchronous mode of operation that will turn off all data and attribute caching for the file. The result is very slow performance and is, unfortunately, normal. Locking packets can be identified in ipreport output by looking for NLM requests.

nfsstat -m

Since AIX 4.2.1, the nfsstat -m command displays the server name and address, mount flags, current read and write sizes, retransmission count, and the timers used for dynamic retransmission for each NFS mount on the client, as follows:

# nfsstat -m
/SAVE from /SAVE:itsorus.austin.ibm.com
 Flags:   vers=2,proto=udp,auth=unix,soft,intr,dynamic,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,retrans=5
 Lookups: srtt=27 (67ms), dev=17 (85ms), cur=11 (220ms)
 Reads:   srtt=16 (40ms), dev=7 (35ms), cur=5 (100ms)
 Writes:  srtt=42 (105ms), dev=14 (70ms), cur=12 (240ms)
 All:     srtt=27 (67ms), dev=17 (85ms), cur=11 (220ms)

The numbers in parentheses in the example output are the actual times in milliseconds. The other values are unscaled values kept by the operating system kernel. You can ignore the unscaled values. Response times are shown for lookups, reads, writes, and a combination of all of these operations (All). Other definitions used in this output are as follows:

Smoothed round-trip time

Estimated deviation

Current backed-off timeout value

The netpmon Command

See The netpmon Command for a discussion of this command and its output.

The nfso Command

The nfso command can be used to configure NFS attributes. It sets or displays network options in the currently running kernel. Therefore, the command must run after each system startup or network configuration.

Note: The nfso command performs no range-checking. If it is used incorrectly, the nfso command can make your system inoperable.

The nfso parameters and their values can be displayed by using the nfso -a command, as follows:

# nfso -a
portcheck= 0
udpchecksum= 1
nfs_socketsize= 60000
nfs_tcp_socketsize= 60000
nfs_setattr_error= 0
nfs_gather_threshold= 4096
nfs_repeat_messages= 0
nfs_udp_duplicate_cache_size= 0
nfs_tcp_duplicate_cache_size= 0
nfs_server_base_priority= 0
nfs_dynamic_retrans= 1
nfs_iopace_pages= 0
nfs_max_connections= 0
nfs_max_threads= 128
nfs_use_reserved_ports= 0
nfs_device_specific_bufs= 1
nfs_server_clread= 1
nfs_rfc1323= 0
nfs_max_write_size= 0
nfs_max_read_size= 0
nfs_allow_all_signals= 0

For a description of these attributes, see Network Tunable Parameters. Most NFS attributes are run-time attributes that can be changed at any time. Load time attributes, such as nfs_socketsize, need NFS to be stopped first and restarted afterwards.

To display or change a specific parameter, use the nfso -o command, as follows:

# nfso -o portcheck
portcheck= 0
# nfso -o portcheck=1

The parameters can be reset to their default value by using the -d option, as follows:

# nfso -d portcheck
# nfso -o portcheck
portcheck= 0

NFS References

Following is a summary of NFS-related files, commands, daemons, and subroutines. See the AIX 5L Version 5.1 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks and the AIX 5L Version 5.1 Commands Reference for details.

List of Network File System (NFS) Files

Following is a list of NFS files containing configuration information:

Lists clients that diskless clients can use for booting

Lists the directories that can be exported to NFS clients

Contains information about networks on the Internet network

Provides configuration options for the rpc.pcnfsd daemon

Contains database information for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) programs

Lists directories that are currently exported

Lists all the file systems that are attempted to be mounted at system restart

List of NFS Commands

Following is a list of NFS commands:

Starts a specified number of biod and nfsd daemons

Configures the system to run NFS and starts NFS daemons

Configures NFS network options

Mounts an NFS file system automatically

Changes the attributes of an NFS-exported directory

Changes the attributes of an NFS-mounted directory

Exports and unexports directories to NFS clients

Displays the characteristics of directories that are exported with NFS

Displays the characteristics of mounted NFS systems

Exports a directory using NFS

Mounts a directory using NFS

Stops the NFS daemons

Removes NFS-exported directories from a server's list of exports

Removes NFS-mounted file systems from a client's list of mounts

List of NFS Daemons

Following is a list of NFS locking daemons:

Processes lock requests through the RPC package

Provides crash-and-recovery functions for the locking services on NFS

Following is a list of network service daemons and utilities:

Sends the client's read and write requests to the server

Answers requests from clients for file system mounts

Starts the daemons that handle a client's request for file system operations

Handles service requests from PC-NFS clients

Displays information about a machine's ability to receive calls

Executes commands on remote machines

Maps RPC program numbers to Internet port numbers

Accepts request to run programs from remote machines

Generates C code to implement an RPC protocol

Reports the status of RPC servers

Returns performance statistics obtained from the kernel

Shows the status of a remote host on the local network

Reports a list of users logged on to the remote machines

Responds to queries from the rusers command

Sends messages to all users on the network

Handles requests from the rwall command

Displays a list of all clients that have mounted remote file systems

Sends a specified number of packets to a host

Receives packets sent by the spray command

Following is a list of secure networking daemons and utilities:

Changes the user's encryption key

Provides an intermediary between user processes and the key server

Decrypts and stores the user's secret key

Stores public and private keys

Starts the keyserv daemon and uncomments the appropriate entries in the /etc/rc.nfs file

Creates a new key in the public key file

Stops the keyserv daemon and comments the entry for the keyserv daemon in the /etc/rc.nfs file

Updates information in Network Information Service (NIS) maps

Following is a diskless client support configuration file:

Provides information necessary for booting to diskless clients

Following is a list of NFS subroutines:

cbc_crypt(), des_setparity(), or ecb_crypt()
Implements Data Encryption Standard (DES) routines.

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