Table of Contents

Summary of Ammendments
1.0: - Installing AIX PS/2 Dos Merge
1.0.1: - Planning for Dos Merge
1.0.2: - Planning for your AIX PS/2 Installation
1.0.3: - DOS Partitions
1.0.4: - Installing DOS Merge from the Network
2.0: - AIX Version 1.3 for PS/2 Installation
2.1: - PS/2 Four Diskette Installation Procedure
2.1.1: - Getting Ready
2.1.2: - Memory Expansion Card Exceptions
2.1.3: - Installing on your machine
2.2: - Post Installation
2.3: - Tailoring the system
2.4: - Installing updates remotely.
2.5: - Installing LPP's remotely
2.5.1: - Optional items
2.5.2: - Getting started with Motif
3.0: - AIX 3.2 RISC/6000 Installation
3.1: - RISC 6000 Network Installation Procedure
3.1.1: - Getting Ready
3.1.2: - Installation on your machine
3.1.3: - Initial installation of the operating system
3.1.4: - Post Installation - AFS Selection - NFS Selection
3.1.5: - Installing Optional Program Products
3.1.6: - Installing Optional Updates/Fixes
3.1.7: - Periodic Updates to your system
3.1.8: - InfoExplorer V1.3.0
4.0: - Using Secondary Nameservers
4.1: - Adding a secondary nameserver for PS/2
4.2: - Adding a secondary nameserver for RISC
1.0: - Security
1.1: - AIX Security Guidelines
12.0: - Glossary: