Creating A Manufacturing Kit 

A Manufacturing Kit represents a group of parts and resources that are used during the assembly process. Unlike a Manufacturing Assembly, the parts and resources in a Kit are not necessarily related to each other, but are shipped together and used to assemble the end product.

This procedure describes the following functionality:


Creating a Manufacturing Kit


Click the Create Manufacturing Kit command to display the Manufacturing Kit dialog box:


Enter the name of the kit in the Name textbox:


Click the Generate button to display the Manual Part Number Generator dialog. Enter the number in the Part Number textbox:

After the part number is entered, it is displayed in the non-editable Part Number text box in the Manufacturing Kit dialog box. If the part number needs to be edited at a later time, this can be achieved via the Generate button.




Add parts to the kit by clicking each one to be included (either in the PPR tree or the 3D viewer). Each selected part is added to the Parts/Resources List of the Manufacturing Kit dialog box:




Check the Preview option to launch the Preview Window and see parts that have been selected:



Click the OK button to close the dialog box and create the Manufacturing Kit. The resulting kit will appear under Applications > Manufacturing Products in the PPR tree:

Removing parts from a Manufacturing Kit



Parts may be removed from the kit by selecting them in the Parts/Resources List (or enabling Select All to select all of the parts in the list), followed by clicking the Remove Parts button:


Deleting a Manufacturing Kit


A Manufacturing Kit can be deleted from the PPR tree by either:

  • Selecting the kit in the PPR tree and selecting the Edit > Delete menu command, or
  • Right-clicking on the kit in the PPR tree and selecting the Delete context menu command


Manufacturing Kits and Position Management


Because a kit is not visible during process verification or simulation, position and state management are not applicable to a manufacturing kit as a whole. However, states and positions may be defined for the parts and resources contained within a Manufacturing Kit, as those are used in process verification and simulation when they are assigned to an activity. Defining positions for the parts and resources within a kit is achieved in the same manner as for those parts and resources which are not included in a Manufacturing Kit.


  • A Manufacturing Kit is assigned to an activity in the same manner as product or part.
  • A kit that is assigned to an activity does not appear during process verification or simulation, however the parts and resources of the assigned kit are visible.
  • Manufacturing Kits do not appear in the Manufacturing Context when they are assigned to an activity; only the parts of the kit will appear in the Manufacturing Context.
  • Manufacturing Kits are saved in the Manufacturing Hub in the Project Library. Children of the kit are not visible in the Project Library tree, but are visible in the Properties page (via the parts in the kit and resources in the kit tab pages).