Defining Electrical Connection Points

The connection functionalities are available in both the Electrical Assembly and Part workbenches.

Cavity: Click Define Cavity and select the device where you want to define a cavity.
Termination: Click Define Termination and select the device where you want to define a termination.
Back Shell Connection Point: Click Define Back Shell Connection Point and set the placement constraints for the connection point between back shells and electrical devices.
Bundle Connection Point: Click Define Bundle Connection Point and set the placement constraints for the connection point between electrical devices and bundle segments (created with Electrical Harness Installation).
Connector Connection Point: Click Define Connector Connection Point and set the placement constraints for the connection point between connectors.
Cavity Connection Point: Click Define Cavity Connection Point and set the placement constraints for the connection point between cavities and electrical devices.
Shell Connection Point: Click Define Shell Connection Point and set the placement constraints for the connection point between shells.
It is possible to delete the electrical cavities, terminations and the connection points.
This applies to:
  • Termination
  • Cavity
  • Cavity connection point
  • Connector connection point
  • Bundle connection point
  • Back shell connection point.

Note that when deleting these objects, the associated publications are also deleted.

But the publications of the geometries which constrain their placement are NOT automatically deleted, since they may have been created earlier, from another application.
According to your choice, you can delete them using the publication management available in the Assembly Design workbench (Tools > Publication menu item).