Defining a Shell Connection Point

This task explains how to define a shell connection point on a shell.
Shell connection points let you connect mating shells together.
Open any document containing a shell where you want to place a shell connection point.
  1. Click Define Shell Connection Point .

  2. Select the shell where you want the shell connection point to be defined.

    The Shell Connection Point Definition dialog box opens:
  3. Enter a value in the Name field.

  4. Select a Representation, for example a pocket, a pad, a face...

  5. Optionally, set a Contact constraint, for example a surface or a point.

  6. Optionally, set a Coincidence constraint, for example a surface, a line or an axis.

  7. Optionally, set an Orientation constraint, for example a surface, a line or an axis.
    The orientation is used to constrain the rotation i.e. the third degree of liberty.

  8. Click OK to validate.

    The specification tree is updated.

For more information about placement constraints, refer to Using Assembly Constraints.

You can add shell connection points to shells. Only one shell connection point per shell can be defined.